Panavia Tornado (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

Aim-9Ms only if we are on good behaviour. If not 9Bs


You meant Red Tops, or even better, starstreak.

Well, Red Tops should be all aspect and Starstreaks would be unflarable… So actually both would be better than 9Bs…

Firestreaks maybe though


Red Tops would be wonky as hell, and starstreak, well untill you get TP you cant use them, and even then they just travel to the eternal void,

But back on the tornado. If we truly get the CSP that would be the most obvious middle finger ever

It would be fine… So long as we got something else in the same update. If that is ALL we got. Then that would be Gaijin officially admitting they dont care about Britain. Because we’ve been promised a new “top tier” and that would not be any of those things

Sure, harrier gr9 (not A cuz Lol)

Harrier Gr9A would be good, better engine and HMD. Should also have Sniper TPOD and hopefully Brimstone. Would be a fun CAS jet to have.

But yeah, sods law it would not be the A

Tiald at best, Brimstones too early, and hmd broke mid flight so no

Yeah, if it had none of those, it would be an 11.7 Premium

Gr9 TT and gr9a premium GENIUS

Probably, though the 9 would be lower than the 9A

Ok tornado. I wonder if there is even a little Tiny bit of chance it will get ASRAAM earlier than competition

Well, Smin denied it just as hard as Typhoon. So I reckon we have a higher chance of getting Typhoon this December than we do getting ASRAAM.

Welp, ASRAAM on brick 14.0br it is then

I reckon ASRAAM for the Tornado Gr4 end of 2024. As it will be a high BR due to Brimstone anyway and 9Ls wont cut it. It also only has 2x ASRAAM and not fully integrated (iirc)

That would be very boring. At least if we do not get the “wide” flares it will be 2 kills

Maybe, Though Brimstones as BVRs as well :P

Your not supposed to do that. (looks back at kills got by the AGM 65 on the Harrier). Ok i will let this slide this time.

Tornado Gr4, with 18x Brimstones and 2x ASRAAM just wipes out the entire enemy team in ARB :P