Panavia Tornado (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

jup, taurus propably is to overkill and the Cluster pots are a whole other programming case

I didn’t say he was lying. He said it hit him when he was stationary, he didn’t say if he was moving or not prior.

Stop making assumptions, I’m only stating something that I think is relevant, because it works and I’ve done it.

They’re literally no different than anything else. I agree that the R-27ER outperforms all other missiles currently but this “meta” switches every year. You weren’t complaining when the F-14A was just dominating poor ol’ MiG-23MLDs but you were when the MLD was top dog. Let your own personal bias go.

Though would be nice to get a jet that is “top dog” that isnt Soviet or US. Maybe when the Typhoon comes, providing its not hobbled

Some would argue there has been top tiers from other nations that run the meta. For example, German and Swedish ground. In regards to aircraft there was the original CL-13, the Hawker Hunter, the T-2, etc.

You literally just assumed he must have just come to a stop. He says he was stopped for at least five seconds prior to the missile hitting.

Are you saying hat the missile was able to accurately identify his last known location as he came to a stop, even when he would have been going too slow for the PD radar to maintain lock for a substantial distance before he actually came to a stop?

But none in a while, There will always be a “meta” vehicle, and I know statistically that it will be US or Soviet because they had the most vehicles, but just once in a while, it would be nice if they added a jet from another nation maybe a tad too early just so that another nation could be meta for a change. I personally think we got the Tornados in general, but especially the ADV variants a lot later than we should have. Could have and probably should have had ADV come a few months before the F-14 or at least at the same time as the F-14 at a minimum. I also think we should have gotten IDS about the time the Mig-27 was added and I cant think of any reason why we never got the Tornado F2. I know it probably wouldnt have been “meta” but it would still have been a nice alternative to the FGR2 that we had for quite a long stretch of time

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Not quite the problems I usually encounter, but I just jumped into a quick match had this happen. Some of those misses make sense, but the radar really really didnt want to stay locked on and Im not sure why. I’ll try and get some much better examples of skyflash, 9Ls and the radar in general being a pain in the… later tonight.

Right guys let’s remain civil please.

What about Sweden?

No, I didn’t. I elaborated on a method for hitting targets on the runway or who were flying low. If he was traveling fast enough to be locked on the runway, and then slowed down as the missile is guiding towards him it would have already likely been heading towards the predicted point of intercept. If target is sufficiently slow, this will be well within lethal distance of the warhead. I’m not certain that’s exactly what happened to him, but it’s certainly possible and better explains how it could happen to others.

I apologise Sweden. I forgot about them. Although they at least have a 11.7 fighter with good manoeuvrability.

Statistically the US and RU vehicles are played more also. They also had the earliest proper gen4 vehicles. This is totally expected, but it’s not a trend from bias.

I don’t care what you are, be it a donut or whatever else. Yes, I know you weren’t complaining about the F-14 being top dawg. That’s the point.

The Hawker Hunter was ahead of anything else, as was the T-2, and the J-7E… I don’t know what you’re trying to get at here.

What biases do I have currently? I’m a very patriotic American who has every nation in the game besides Britain.

I dont think it was bias. But i do think all tornados were postponed quite a bit so that they could get the F-14 completely finished and game ready to coincide with the release of Top Gun 2. This is why we got the IDS with f16 and mig 29 and why the F14 was surprisingly early

The F-14 was far from “completely finished” when it was added. If anything it was considered to be in quite a rushed state when it was added.


I think maybe the radar and Phoenix were rushed, but the aircraft FM was most accurate on dev server before it was nerfed. People didn’t think the high-alpha was accurate… Turns out it was lol

Either way, i think to get the F-14 added when they did, caused every aircraft added since to be added out of order. And that had the consequence of aircraft like the Tornado F3 being added surprisingly late

Finished enough to be added to the game then

I don’t think that it messed with an order of things or a pre-planned addition routine that Gaijin wanted to do. I think the F-14 was prepared to be released without the Phoenix around the same time as MLD but the movie was delayed several times, Gaijin then delayed the addition as well.