Panavia Tornado (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion


He said he was locked and killed whilst stationary though.

A lot of people will slow down and stop as they prepare to J out once they notice they’re being targeted, or had to land. At some point he was probably moving.

Oh 😯 just Brimstone I better AGM-65 Maverick

sad ASSTA noises, hope other tornado variants get some of the other gadgets at the same time as a balance, besides that i hope german tpyhoon gets brimstone

I landed and had come to complete stop around 5-7 seconds before the missile impacted me. So the R-27ER must have been fired long before that. Though I had no RWR pings. Still… Kinda crazy how the SkyTrash doesnt work if the target is below 50ft, it instantly self destructs, but a R-27ER can hit something at 0ft. That is definetly balanced.

Either way, Im really hoping F3 gets dropped down to 11.3. Smin has already confirmed that ALL tornados are getting a review. Makes no sense that the 4 IDS variants are all at different SB BRs as well. With any luck, the F3 will be more balanced/playable. The game last night was a massacare, was Tunisia, but still, AF SAMs dont really seem to work anymore and had mutliple F-16s and Mig-29s dogfighting with our team’s F-16 directly over our AF with 0 consequence. Did manage to get a few kills, but more by chance than luck, even some guys on the other team didnt understand how some of my 9Ls failed to hit them, they were sure they were dead and then it flew off in a random direction.

Tried again, this time on a much larger map, and well, now Im left wondering, is the same thing that stops a Skyflash from tracking a target below 50Ft also affect 9Ls, had a 9L take an age and a day to lock onto a reheating Mirage at 50ft, and then when I did fire, it immediately nosed down and crashed into the sea

So you’re assuming he was lying about being stationary on the runway. Until I see evidence, I’ll personally choose to not make that assumption.

If the intercept path would mean it needs to nose down then yes.

Ideally I’d need more videos of these issues, it’s hard for me to assess what happened from accounts post event.

Not crazy unfortunately. I’ve just resigned to the fact that Russian equipment is always going to perform a little bit differently than it should do in this game, and that I can play Russia when I want to play on Easy-Mode.

Eurofighter Typhoon Tranche 2 Block 20 from Luftwaffe integrated Brimstone II

Personally, I think gaijin consider Eurofighter Typhoon Tranche 2 Block 20 in the far future and not coming to this year because equipped advanced long-range active radar homing Air-to-Air Missile MBDA Meteor

If anything i’d say the Mirage was pulling up slightly, but it refused to lock on at all for ages. EIther way, neither 9Ls or Skyflash seem to work in any condition if the target is below 100ft, and even with radar lock, 9Ls dont seem to get a clean lock on. At this point, im almost wondering if its worth taking any missiles and just trying to get head on kills with the guns.

I’ll send the replay file later, if it doesnt bug out, sometimes it doesnt give SB replays. Though someone was saying in this match that past an hour, ALL missile just stop working right in SB and I did join this match late, so might just be that. Just had 2x 9Ls fire from the Gr7 pull 90 degree turns AWAY from the mig-23 on reheat. despite no CMs being dropped. Its really really wierd.

I swear you have these issues and no one else. Ideally if you could upload clips to youtube using shadow play or relive (depending on your gpu).

I dont have either as an option, but i’ll resume what I was doing that is running OBS and start recording as I enter a situation. Hopefully i’ll get to the bottom of it. 90% of my missiles fail to track and most just seem to explode immediately. Actually a skyflash nearly blow me up when I fired it because it exploded that quickly. Either that or it something instantly, but I dont think I was that low.

You should do, what gpu do you have?

GeForce GTX 1060

Yeah it’s a shadowplay supported card.

Here is a guide on setting up instant replay

integrated yes, but germany never used them yet, only planned for future, that being said yeah good bit in the future

I got an idea you expect Tornado IDS ASSTA 3, at least might equipped HOSBO/ HOPE glide bomb & GBU-54 LJDAM

I’ll give it a go, I have no idea why I have such issues

I have everything from Skyflash self destructing with radar lock, to 9Ls flying off randomly. I even had the rare situation of using the radar at a target above 300ft. Had 2 targets, I knew one was friendly, pointed my nose straight at them, and nothing, totally invisible on radar. In all modes. I even have ACM sometimes fail to see a target that I 100% know is hostile and can see clearly with my eyes. in both normal and PD. Its really wierd.