Panavia Tornado (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

I wasnt sure if it was a bug or not though. Kinda hard to tell with something like that. I could see that being intended behaviour, a quirk of the radar mode

Still worth reporting, even if it’s intended. It can be forwarded as a suggestion. :)

Yeah that’s true. So time to submit a bug report about missing JP233s? :P

Ahaha I’ll get around to the JP233 and MW-1 at some point. The devs will be aware of it, but as we don’t have cluster weapons in game yet we’re more likely to see BL755 and Rockeye systems before the runway busters.

I can imagine my PC on fire once cluster comes and everyone is using them lol


Evil laughter hehe. Kinda feel sorry for the devs sometimes.

But yeah, those weapon systems would be pretty cool to have, even if they are questionable in their usefulness, though the same can be said for ASMs and we have those, so its possible

I mean if they’re more useful than the RN 2" rockets it’s a positive Ahaha as they’re possibly the worst weapon in the game.

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it would be funny if we could spread minefields and how those would work as well

I could see them omitting the mine component, especially as they are mostly AP I think. at least on the JP233. But even just spreading small bomblets over a wide area would be cool

Oh that suprises me, apparently germany has “better weaponry” in that regard for once, the german MW-1 is able to spread MIFF anti tank mines. 112 tubes 8 per tubes so a theoretical 896 anti tank mines it can spread. Additionaly they got times neutralisation as well, so they could be implamented and then just stay for 2-5min so to say should be enough.

I had the same issues, the manual is obviously a little bit more work and an extra 6 keys to bind but the finer control is worth it and then if you ever end up in a pickle you can always switch the the acm modes

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They might have had a HEAT warhead as well, but I think the main difference is in function. JP233 was meant for runway denial, so the AP mines are to stop it being repaired. MW-1 was meant for more general deployment, like spreading AT mines over an area.

Though that is purely based off my limited knowledge and could be completely wrong

Well, the bug that got reported and fixed on Tornado about the TWS issue is present on other TWS available radars.

Per Gaijin rules, I guess it would take to report every single plane, unless this fix was widespread to all TWS radars.

When I reported the AIM-7F overperformance, all missiles were corrected based on maneuvering drag and such so if the issue was present on other radars with TWS they either missed it or it’s not the same exact issue.

So, radar is definetly a lot nicer with that fix, but the F3 is still unplayable in SB until its moved down to 11.3. Also, I dont think Mig-29 / R-27ER are affected by ground clutter anymore. Just had one lock onto me and kill me whilst I was stationary on the runway

I guess gaijin might omitted R-27ER/R-27ER1 from MiG-29 9-13 (USSR) & MiG-29A 9-12A (GDR) if add R-73 Q3

Multipathing only works to defend against missiles if you’re moving, if you’re stationary you can still be “hit” by it missing you. Since the missile trajectory is pretty much adjusted to be 90 straight down from the centre point of the aircraft, if you’re not moving it will hit the floor where you are.

The bigger issue there is the R-27ER managed to hit a target with zero velocity to the ground.

If you were at least rolling down the runway it would make sense.

If you have the clogs, replays etc from that you should report it.

It’s possible to let it guide with inertial and then unlock target, missile then travels exactly towards last position.

If he was moving on the runway and stopped, this is entirely viable way to kill someone on the runway. Likewise, to avoid multi-path on targets flying straight and low I’ll drop lock and let it just coast into them instead of going low or detonating early.

I wonder how did Tornado launch Brimstone? just like AGM65 or pars3?