Panavia Tornado (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

You use EPW as your SEAD option, and Brimstone for killing tanks once you’ve deleted the AA.

even then you can only get at most 2 kills in a run with brimstones due to how their flight models are, I would much rather take the 2 extra fnf that will one shot over 9 that are laser guided and might kill in 2, if they fix the LOG on the brimstones then they would be great for killing SPAA since they are really small and I think only really the Pantsir would notice them

My experience with PGM is largely one of luck, if they don’t notice me coming into 7km range than I can fire them off and get some kills. But most of the time I cannot get close enough to use them in track, and the big smokey trail leads to the being intercepted when used in point.

yeah I am really hoping that they give it limited FnF but we will just have to wait and see

can we ask gaijin change Brimstones from laser and iog to laser and gps?
i think only in this way Brimstones can reall be useful if fnf is not added

Honestly would be better.
Implement limited ability brimstones.
That way us gets hellfires L with limited abilities as well.
Screw russians that lack fnf missles like this

The russians do have FnF missiles though. The new plane is going to have 6x 38MTs which are FnF.

No, the missile doesn’t have any GPS capabilities. The SAL mode is the real functioning “Mode 1” of the Brimstone missile.

We don’t need to invent any new modes for it to make less historically accurate.

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My strat is to climb to 8km and snipe them, 9 out of 10 times spaa dont move. Then i just come in with good old dumb bombs to kill as many tanks as i can in 2 runs then rtb. As by then new spaa would have spawned.

Everything i can think of for the brimstones just wont work due to the flight time coupled with the terrible iog. They fix either of them then we can talk about bringing them as otherwise they simply take too long to reach the target or too inaccurate to lob them and get out of dodge.

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It’s got an IMU though. Can’t it be sent IMU-only like Paveway IV can?

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Im more thinking, if they cant fix the LOG on it give it the same parameters of gps to make it have that accurate LOG, or simply fix the LOG. Whatever is easier. This way we could fire at a target and itll guide in to its exact known location, Couldnt be broken as all it would take is a simple move to dodge unless you then guide it in after running away a bit.

I rarely disagree with you on most things but this i really think is the better option. We cant just make them faster, and gaijin refuse to give it fnf. As it stands now it truly will be worse than simply bringing paveways and pgm’s. Gaijin need to rethink their approach to this otherwise they would have ruined a very significant weapon we brits have been looking forward too for years now.


I still think they should give it a dumbed down fire and forget mode, hell and if that is still to op make it so you can only launch like 3 at a time or something

i means something likes the gps just like gaijin do on the Paveway IV : the very very correct iog once it fire
.after all it has an imu ,let it just work as which in the mode3 that can self fly to one locked point,just like
Paveway IV

They gave the martel fnf capability but then refuse to for brimstones? Its hypocritical at the very least.

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Assuming you mean;
Which is IOG in game, which it has and can be launched in IOG without laser, then enable the laser for terminal.

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Doesn’t work when you guide it in with laser and then switch it off, drops out of the sky infront of the target. Make this more accurate and fix the guidance time and itll be workable. Its not asking much and wouldnt be adding anything it didnt have.

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No this isn’t the same, Martel got F&F because its only functioning mode was TV Man-In-The-Loop with no alternative modes.

Brimstone is using a real mode that actually exists, there is no need for a like for like substitution. A lot of this “but this has F&F” is really arguing in bad faith. Nothing in game right now remotely approaches the performance of a F&F MMW weapon. I totally understand the want for full fat Brimstone, but the answer is no.

I might just stick with the paveways at 25,000ft instead of the brimstones seeing how they are. Rather not risk spending the time to hit a single guy with 2 missiles than one bomb. When I drop a paveways on someone I know it will kill, but with a missile like brimstone I can’t say it will for sure.

Using IOG on “Laser+IOG” weapons works by firing without the laser enabled (there is a setting to disable auto enabling the laser on launch) you then only enable the laser when the game tells you to. Thats how you use it.

i think this is the most reasonable way for us to give GR4 some enhancement