Panavia Tornado (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

Just took it out on the test drive and didn’t notice much of a change you definitely have more nose authority but compared to like the F-111 you still don’t turn…
Is there a special setting i’m missing?

While the TND F.3 has lost a little bit of top speed at sea level during the latest FM change, it seems that the IDS (MFG) has gained a little. I’ve managed to achieve a speed of over 1450 km/h after a little while, something that was not possible before the update

Same for the Gr.1. It now manages to achieve ~1430 km/h at sea level. It’s not significant or much, but I take all the small wins the Tornado gets

Did you deploy combat flaps?

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Icl, as much as the copium is blinding, the old flight model probably is better to the playstyle tornado had developed. Because the current one is underperforming in basically all regimes, we have kind of got some middling not good at anything aircraft, and that’s set to stay unfortunately.


To be honest. Its the little things im loving at the moment. Like landing the Tornado no longer feels akin to trying to land a over-laden 747.

and just generally feels much lighter to fly. Dont expect it to be a dogfighter, but just feels smoother and more forgiving almost to fly.

SAS Damping also feels a LOT better.


I might have found a bug that might be a tiny nerf for the Tornado IDSs (and other aircraft)

Currently you can lock onto an aircraft with a tpod on the Tornado and it will give aim assistance for the guns the same as it would when you lock onto a target with the radar. This only works for aircraft with a radar gunsight (so the Harrier Gr7 it doesnt work)

I’m not sure how intentional that is, but if we went on capability the GR.7 doesn’t have EEGS or the gun sight for it.

I’m going to have to say it’s better IMO. The fact you are not guaranteed dead if someone shoots a radar missile within 10km is HUGE.

This is an aircraft which relies on missile spamming to be effective, having that extra pull makes it easier to use your kit more effectively.

The drop in speed is a bummer though, it’s now slower than a mirage F1 in a straight line and about the same as an F4E.

Hopefully we can get combat thrust sometime soon to get some of that speed back

Indeed, but it also relies on being, and staying fast, which we cant really do anymore.

We are sort of in luck, currently we have too much thrust, and not enough drag. Installed combat thrust is 16500lbf, we have 16100lbf in game which is too high, so the gain from combat wont be that high.

Would still be nice to have, it’s also one less thing to be gimped on the aircraft from what it already is. Not to mention a certain soviet aircraft already has the functionality and has had it since release…

I am loving it, but what i am not loving is defensive flying for the entire match just to die to an f14 or ARH missile… Its in a great spot rn but it truly is a pain in the ass trying to go against the hoards of f14s as you have to try and figure out which ones locking you in order to really combat them which is asking a bit much for one person to do.

Doesnt help the F-14A IRA missiles got buffed massively this patch and outclass everything at the BR even the R27ER (Except for in close range)

It was a strange feeling expecting to be slower in the gr 1 (if that was even possible) just to have it to faster than my f.3 on average lol. Certainly makes it a fun contender to bring without bombs and just go chase down these mig 21s and su 25s. Hopefully gaijin wont move them up to 12.0, still confused why they were moved to 11.7 in air when the only differance they have with the 11.3 variants is the addition of guided bombs?

To be fair it was back when there wasnt split BRs

Yup, I had a joust with one and simply couldnt notch the bloody thing while trying to still guide my missile in. It didnt matter any way as my skyshit missed when shot at 10km and he didnt even notch while his just jit me square in the head…

just the way it goes tbh.

With the split brs i was expecting most CAS jets to be moved up in ground and stay at the same br in air apart from jets like the su 25 and a 10 which should be the other way round for the most part. Instead we had the opposite for whatever reason? It confuses me as we have jets like the f4e which i would pick any day over a tornado gr 1 to bring into air, same with my mig 21 lazur?

i dont question the snail, it makes things much easier