Panavia Tornado (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

To be fair we made a whole song and dance about it because the ICE was gonna come without the L/Is at first. But it really doesnt make sense that the Tornado F3 late doesnt get AIM9Ms stock


Don’t get me wrong, the ICE definitely needed L/Is. Just makes no sense on the “one rule for me and one rule for thee” thing that Gaijin keeps banging the drums for.

Makes a whole lot of sense when you look at the tree it was going into, unfortunately. Shouldn’t be that way, but seems the way they’re set on.

I’m hesitant to bug report the crap acceleration as I know it will just be discounted as Cope by gaijin without any tangible data to go with it.

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Its always worth doing it

They are more likely to make changes on the dev server compared to live

it’s always worth it. every report they ignore is another report that makes them look bad

In terms of acceleration, are we sure that the lower acceleration isn’t just due to the fact the wings now dont sweep as much/as quickly when you accelerate

On dev im at mach 0.93 and the wings still aren’t fully swept, before I remember them sweeping much earlier. This improves turning but causes more drag, making the acceleration slower.

perhaps its best to try them using manual wing sweep and accelerating with the wings fully swept the entire time

The acceleration up to about Mach is actually accurate near enough, but the 67 degree sweep has quite abit of drag.

I haven’t tested but are the top speeds accurate?

Mach 1.17 with full combat load is I believe the “top speed” from the manuals. It’s still possible….but feel free to spend a whole day waiting for that to happen lol.

67 sweep having more drag is just backwards logic as should be the opposite, it should retain it’s acceleration for longer than other aircraft due to less drag from higher wing sweep.

Just tested and it’s slightly too slow now, M1.16 instead of M1.18

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Is that when you hit Vmax?


It’s not really comparable though, the AIM-9M gets the smokeless motor while the L/I does not. I would gladly take stock 9L on the KWS if it meant I could have 9Ms.

Seeker head is the same it has the IRCCM?

but not the smokeless motor

Which is a minor buff outside of Sim or GRB

So you still get a MAJOR advantage when stock grinding

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As I said, I would take the 9L stock grind if it meant I could have 9M. Most time flying a plane isn’t spent stock grinding for AIM-9M.

Probably not as i always keep mine at around 85% anyway as the extra mobility was more needed than the extra 0.01 mach the extra couple of degree would have given me. and can tell its slower on the dev.

Plus unless you play it like me and climb to 50km and just stay as fast as possible above most radars youll never see above mach 1.16 as even the slightest of corrections would cause your jet to dump about 100kph in an instant. The thing barely stays flying as soon as it goes above 85% wing sweep.

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