Panavia Tornado (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

Yeah… I didnt think I was going to bother all that much with this update. Get the F-111C when I got it, but no real active farming. But I do see some matches in the Tornado F3 in my future.

But we do have the naval event to farm, and that’ll drain my will to live for the next 2 weeks

yep, ive got to learn naval and grind it at the same time, going to regret it massively but oh well, such is how War Thunder works

I enjoy naval, but its the sheer number of matches you have to do that I hate and burns me out. But, especially in something like HMS Belfast, its one hell of a good SL farm

yeah, the worst thing about naval is that its just mind numbing, that and RB aiming is needlessly difficult,
even in AB which is usually a cesspit in other modes, the battle just plays so damn slow and your just sitting there hitting left click for minuites on end, and people wonder why there are so many bots

I dont really mind the RB aiming. I’ve got my eye in for it. But I also have grinded the entire tree. Though is probably better discussed in the naval discussion thread.

Naval’s aim was better before they added all the extra rubbish. Now it’s just overcomplicated.

@Gunjob While gaijin are actually working on the Tonkas would it be possible for the “Late” to get Stock 9Ms?

How is the nose authority at high speed in the dev server ? Because IMO that’s the biggest issue with the Tornado. It simply refuses to pulls at high speed, which can be “a bit” of an issue when you need to crank and go defensive at medium ranges.

Very bad, hopefully will get fixed soon.

It was suggested, but what devs will do is a mystery.

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Never gunna happen. Britian must have the hardest stock grind. That is in the ToS


Has been added to feedback previously so we’re still waiting and seeing.

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Good to know, wont keep my hopes up though :p.

Yeah but holy moly no where near as bad as it is on the live server. Really puts into perspective what we’ve been dealing with for almost 2 years

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Good to know, thanks. I’m about to unlock the F3 soon. I’m getting the Sea Harrier first, and I’ll get the F3 after that, so I’ll probably wait until the update to play it.

The whole kit of the F3 is very appealing to me. 4 Missiles almost on par with the 7M, a fast plane with a ton of countermeasures and the best radar kit of 12.0 should be fun to fly, but the whole “you can’t turn at all at high speed” is a big detriment compared to even the F4S.

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Yep, the strength of the F3(early) is still and has always been it’s weapons kit and avionics. The FM was a huge handicap as it couldn’t really employ its kit effectively.

To be honest the best feature about the F3 is having the best RWR at its BR makes all the difference when your situational awareness is good.

The only thing it’s lacking is actually speed, in a straight line it’s acceleration over Mach 1 is incredibly lacklustre, even though it should in theory reach high speeds it really doesn’t get there outside of a dive. This is currently being investigated though.

A good electronic kit at this BR is really appreciable indeed. My favourite 12.3 planes are the EJ Kai and the Mig21Bison atm. The Bison has HUGE drawbacks to pay for the R73+HMD combo, but the modern RWR is really powerful on it.

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It did certainly feel like the damn thing was dumping speed whenever you turned, acting as if someone had slapped a parachute on the back of it. It also struggles to get up to speeds above Mach 1, which by gut doesn’t feel right at all.


which is strange, because by memory every other aircraft at the BR gets stock IRCCM missiles… the Germans made a whole song and dance about theirs and they also got IRCCM missiles.

So, I wonder, and I ponder, what’s so special with us?

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We’re just that cool (we used all our begging points for a tornado FM)