Panavia Tornado (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

Only problem with the 21° NE limit. I would assume that the turn graphs follow all NE limits, therefore the instantaneous performance may not necessarily reflect what could be capable within the performance envelope(hence the relatively poor instantaneous performance). I guess it would be a case of, at 21° AOA, can it do this turn, and then any further AOA pull would just improve.

Only problem with the 21° NE limit.

I’m not sure what you mean by this.

Given the aircraft was meant to follow the 21° AOA limit in pretty much all conditions. The turn rate graphs most likely show the aircraft while pulling that 21° AOA limit(until the G-limit cross over). Even tho the aircraft could exceed it, potentially up to the high 20’s.

In simpler terms; are the turn rate graphs showing the absolute capability of the aircraft, or are they showing the capability within the limitations imposed on it.

Good question. I’m going to bed now, so will look into it another time.

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I’d guess limitations + a small margin. As those limitations would probably be minorly exceeded in actual combat, but for most flying, such as training, they’d keep it a little lower “officially” for safety. Same way low level flying was officially 300ft, but in actual war, they could go as low as they wanted

Well yea, but as far as the high-ups age concerned, NE limits aren’t to be exceeded for lifespan of aircraft, and pilot. Therefore it would make sense that the graphs show the capability up to those limits.

Yep it would. I suppose its a better question is what figure would be favourable for us in game? Assume its 21 or assume its a little higher, say around 23?

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Well, ideally the FM should map to the graphs at 21 Degrees AOA, if the user then decides to pull additional AoA risking spin departure then that is their call.

This is true, provided its modeled that way in game, and not the hard limit.

Work thing is, there is no hard limit, we know that at full tick you can comfortably exceed 25 AOA, potentially into the 30’s.


Stick back to 24 degrees, and still exceeds 25 ADD without combat flap either.

A bollocking and retraining at RAF Valley on the trainers there before he would probably be released back to front line service.

So I’m getting more into sim battles. Flying both the F14 and F16 works fine with mouse joystick (yes get a physical it works better I know) but the F3 is a big disaster. SAS mode in damped is fine but in manual is absurd. The thing is terrible to control at low speeds and I really don’t know what I’m doing wrong. Just a pull to the right and up and it’s really unstable to fly as seen in this clip: (just avalible for 2 days so I’ll share it again if needed). Is this the aircraft going slower because of the pull and therefore falling down because it’s not going quick enough? Just feels really unstable to use. Or I’m just noob lol

owhhh and thank you everyone who addresses issues, bug fixes ect. Really enjoyable and fun plane to fly now :) at least in RB, can’t get it to work in sim ahaha

I only play Sim, and I always leave all jets in damping, though I do fly with a HOTAS and probably should learn to fly in manual at some point, but anyway. Im not sure why the Tornado spun out, but it is definetly a hard jet to control at low speeds and I think you should generally avoid being slow. But others probably can comment in more detail on how it is suppose to handle in that situation than I and why it spun out.

I personally prefer the Gr1 at the moment, I find the F3 is pretty outclassed, but I also prefer mud moving anyway.

I created a bug report about missing flight director symbology withwise to lofting, no idea if the game can even handle that kind of mechanic/symbology, but only one way to find out. Thanks for the info for this Flame

I fear 9Ls have been nerfed again.

By all accounts, there is no way that a single flare should have been enough to defeat this 9L. I did thankfully manage to get a second missile off on this guy and get the kill. But this first 9L should have been plenty and its flight path was rather crazy.


They haven’t been nerfed again they have been like this for a long time. Most missiles get decoyed by one single flare currently.