Panavia Tornado (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

TWS fixating on a target beyond the scope scale you have selected.

Ah, okay, want me to create a full bug report, or just attach them in here?

Cheers, forwarded.

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It’s that issue which is my number 1 issue at the moment with the F3, especially in SB, can make the radar almost unusable

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Also, is TWS suppose to be able to detect and lock onto missiles?

Any word on the F3 / ADV SB BR? Kinda driving me nuts that the italians are enjoy 10.7-11.3 in SB at the moment and im in 11.7-12

Probably not until the next BR update.

Response from my stepdad.

“They’re the max allowed RPM & JPT.
Lower limits as engine got older & aircraft due out of service, so not worth fixing.

Yes the affect flight performance, not during takeoff, but would reduce performance at altitude in a furball.”

Oh damn, would you mind asking your step dad what 1 AoA/ADD unit = in degrees? That would be the cherry on top for the report.

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Question asked and this was the response

“Rounded up, 1 unit AoA = 1.7 degrees.

An F3 would stall without power at 10 units.
27 units at max reheat to stall, but fuel burn was horrific.

ADD is the same but I forget the acronym.

Exact is roughly 1.65 degrees.”

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Thank You!, Does he have any form of proof/sourcing, it’s good that we know what numbers to look for now but we can’t use word of mouth for reports sadly.

Interesting. It does strike me as odd though that no conversion would be given in any of the manuals when the HUD gives AOA in degrees and the AOA indicator gives it in units.

I highly doubt he’s got any flight crew manuals left, so unfortunately for now, it is just word of mouth, but I’ll ask when I next go and visit.

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Slightly interesting. This official accident summary gives AOA in degrees rather than units:

Also it features what I imagine must be one of the most gut-wrenching feelings for a pilot: ejecting only to watch your aircraft recover and go flying off into the distance without you. To be fair the aircraft reached 25 ft AGL before recovering and flying off, so you wouldn’t have wanted to risk staying in it.

Also this is a somewhat ominous way to finish the report:

Appropriate disciplinary action has been taken in respect of the pilot.

Whatever that means I can’t imagine he had a good time.


Btw the definition of ADD:

Therefore 12 ADD for example, appears to be a value of 12 indicated in the HUD, and as we know. The HUD is measured in degrees.

Personally I’m still leaning towards the relationship being 1:1. That seems to be supported by the most evidence.

Given what ADD appears to be, I’m tempted to agree with you.