Panavia Tornado (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

Wondering @Gunjob Is the FM changes just for the F.3 or will it also be pushed to the GR/IDS versions later?

It’s all tornado models.

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Good to know, just was wondering as from what ive seen here and from Dataminers its seemed to be only on the F.3s atm so i was curious.

A-200A (“Italian IDS-Tornado”), A-200A (1995) (“Italian IDS-Tornado (1995)”), IDS-Tornado [DEU], IDS-Tornado (Marineflieger), IDS-Tornado (WTD 61), Tornado G.R. Mk. 1:

All of the same changes as outlined as for the late Tornadoes, except with some changes

Wing, 0% sweep:

    0% flap deployment Oswald’s efficiency number from 0.34 to 0.32

    40% flap deployment Oswald’s efficiency number from 0.44 to 0.42

Wing, 50% sweep: 0% flap deployment Oswald’s efficiency number from 0.34 to 0.32

Only just saw it pop through on the Dataminer list, thanks.

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no problem. I needed to look it over again at first too

Account was on hold, however, on dev server with new FM I did manage to win a cannon dogfight with F3 late against a 16. A bad 16, but before even bad 16 players danced on tornado. If they fixed the chaff, it’d be glorious.

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Yep, or just 216 to 432 large calibre chaff via phimat

That’d work too, but I’d also like to actually have CMs on my harrier thanks. Harrier is so hurt by it.

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Yeah… Harrier Gr3 used a Phimat… Maybe we can convince for Phimat on the FA2… Also Gr7 used Phimat

All Brit CM options should come and/or be fixed tbch. More options always good. (+ by extension it would help Gripen, and Gripen is cool)

Yeah, they are and yeah it would be good… All shall fear our CMs

Tornado Gr1 56 large calibre flares + 680 large calibre chaff + 320 BOL

Tornado F3 32 large calibre flares + 320 BOL + 432 (maybe 648? 2x in place of fuel tanks, 1x in place of aim-9?) large calibre chaff from phimat

Harrier Gr7, 60 internal CMs, 580 BOL, 216 Large calibre chaff from phimat

Harrier Gr9A, 60 internal CMs, 580 BOL, 240 CMs from TERMA, 216 Large calibre chaff from phimat


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All chaff is bugged and has no effect it seems.

Just so you know on Harrier II the Phimat is carried in place of a sidewinder/BOL. So you trade a sidewinder+BOL for Phimat.

I wondered that. I knew it would replace a sidewinder, but was gunna ask about the BOL. Though loose 160 micro CMs for 216 large calibre chaff is perhaps worth it at the moment. Especially if we get the missing Aim-9

Grins in Phimat pod


Probably going to get kicked up to 12.3 knowing how Gaijin “balances” aircraft (yet they won’t move the F-14s up)

Run one Phimat, run the rest as BOL. Run the Phimat for Chaff, and full flares on the BOL and internal Dispensers.

Am curious but since JDAMs are coming could we now get enhanced paveways ??

Could we? Yes!
Will we? …