Panavia Tornado (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion



mmm mmm mmmmmmm I love the smell of Brimstone and Fire in the morning


Instant Turn Report:
Instant pull is too low for 25 degree sweep, 45 degree sweep aoa is too low causing major lockup whihc shouldnt be the case. Initially overperforming and then heavily underperforming.
Sustained Turn Report:
Rate is too low at low speeds, and too good at high speeds(45 degree sweep).


I worry these are just dev server changes and like the buffs to say the CR2 armour they will revert them or reduce them on the live server?


What buffs?

FM change

I know that… I meant the CR2?

Rework on the DEV, vs what went to live.

A few dev servers back they buffed the CR2 mantlet and NERA to habdle tandem missiles and when it went live they said it was an error…something down those lines.

Ahhh right yes, no this is an intended FM improvement and will stick around(or be further refined fingers crossed).

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trying this out too.

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Is it my skill issue or does BOL chaff do literally nothing?

Im sure I’m doing everything right but no matter if I’m cold or cranking and dumping all my chaff the fox 3s just don’t care and kill me? Only multipathing seems to be effective. And thank god I can do that without my plane falling into the ground

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There is an on going issue where chaff (on all aircraft) does nothing at the moment


Ahhhh i see

Is it just me or does the Tornado F.3 now turn noticeably better than the Tornado Gr.1

Maybe I’m just being stupid, but is that historical? It does have a faster turn rate on the stat card

iirc the F.3 does have better engines than the GR.1. the F.3 is a little less draggy compared with the GR.1 as well off the top of my head.

That seems like it would effect the top speed / energy retention more than the turning ability

However, the F.3 is phyiscally longer than the Gr.1 so perhaps that effects its aerodynamics a bit

Panavia Tornado

This diagram shows the extended fuselage quite well

Because the F.3 has more thrust it can take a tighter turn that bleeds more energy. Because it’s less draggy it losses less energy in a turn. Both would add up to the F.3 loosing less speed in a turn of similar radius to the GR.1 also means the F.3 can make a tighter turn in comparison to the GR.1 for the same amount of speed/energy loss

Ah ok that makes sense

The F.3 now actually feels like a fighter on the dev server, not a brick, I see it being a great 12.0 now

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I set countermeasure amount on the Tornado to drop 4 per drop and just spam it. Takes a huge ammount though