Panavia Tornado (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

G-lcoking in the Tornado is wierd…

and is it me, or is the Tornado F3 got better energy retention now? (might just be better auto wing sweep)

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On dev or live?

On Dev. Felt like it retained energy better. But hard to tell. Let me take clips for side by side comparison

It feels incredibly offputting to fly now if only because it’s actually almost agile.

But it does seem to retain energy better than how I felt it did on live, but not sure by how much.

Its a huge breath of fresh air. I mean its no grippen FM, what I does is make the aircaft comfortable and less stressful to fly.

Im still very sceptical on the accelleration at higher speeds though…especially since we don’t really have any hard data on that. Its just confusing reading and listening to pilots saying they easilly reach 800-850kts when in game the jet barely reaches 750 in a straight line.

The FM is a huge win though, best patch this year IMO!

Yeah… Its going well ish so far. No Paveway IV for the Gr7 sucks and its a shame the SHars still seem unfinished, but its not bad one at least.

I think the top speed quotes might be referring to the Tornados emergency combat thrust which is missing in game

I’ve been using the F3 on the dev server, previously I felt like dogfighting Phantoms was close, now the F3 is much better than the Phantoms in a dogfight

With flaps down the Tornado actually turns really well. I’ve managed to consitently beat F14s and Mig23s in dogfights, the AoA really helps it turn. Using flaps is very important, they seem to be able to deploy at much higher speeds / wing angles now, they help a lot.

The FM currently feels perfect I hope it stays the same on live


Maybe, but from what I’ve heard its only 5% extra thrust which im again unsure would make ALL the difference, its not the top speed anyway cuz it will do 1500kph in a dive before ripping at 1550kph(IAS) so the speed is technically there but it just never reaches it.

The top speed is accurate in game

The instant pull still seems to be a tad bit too low at low speeds, mainly M0.3 and M0.4 so if that could be tuned that would be great once I get on testing myself for reports. The sustained rate seems too good now/still so will investigate that too.

are you sure its accelleration is supposed to drop off a cliff past 1300kph?

The acceleration, maybe not as steep no, but it wouldn’t suprise me.

clean with 35 mins of fuel it pretty much stops at 1450kph(IAS) at 300m which is fast but once again its the accelleration which is like watching paint dry.

Gunjob I love you


So has the tornados biggest problem, being the absolute lack of energy retention, been fixed finally? I might finaly be able to out run 3rd gen super sonics like the mig 21.

Hey guys, any videos yet on the new FM compared to the Old one?

they didn’t touch the accelleration but the FM is huge, it actually has lift and aerodynamics so you don’t just fall out of the sky.

BIG win

Just had a try myself, been too busy to try until now. We cookin’ boiz.


I know you said it wouldn’t impact the way you play the tornado.

It’s made it infinitely more effective at its job, actually being able to go cold and survive radar missiles is huge. There have been numerous times whilst playing on the dev server I have survived jousts and engagements where I would have 1000% lost in the old FM

How many times have everyone tried to multipath at 60 metres and just hit the ground because the plane literally sank through the air.

I can already see the 12.0 being an absolute joy to play!!

Yeah, im looking forward to playing it and the Gr1 in SB. Still probably not going to bother with the F3 late anytime soon still, not until at a minimum we have either working BOL chaff or Phimat. But im happy with the earlier ones