Panavia Tornado (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

600* and no not yet.

Is the stock grind truly worth it? Please lmk before i start playing 12.7 with 2 9ls for the foreseeable future.

Didnt Smin say that Aircraft with countermeasure pods like the BOZ series are the pecific reason they implemented the feature in the first place?

I’m having a great time, but I do have over 3000 kills in the old F.3 as well so I’m well versed in its capabilities.

Yes I believe it is planned but I don’t have updates on the when yet.

whats your go to set up for a match? do you side climb with the team or go off to the right (I still have no idea to this day why everyone must go right on take off). And if you have a guy firing SARH or ARH missiles at you, do you notch till they are in IR range or do you try and get your own SARH/ARH missile off and hope for the best?

I find the radar on the Tornado to be its saving grace and i love using it, my only problem with it is what i can do against people who do decide to focus me and they start firing every missile they have untill i am dead. As usually i just watch them get closer and realise that i have no idea how im meant to win that situation.

Off to the side, I’ve always put positioning high on the priority list. If fired on, you need to make a judgement, do you have time to fire a missile in defence? Or is that going to get you killed.

There is some argument that if they fired first and closed the gap to IR range while you were defending that you lost the fight long ago.

Fox Hunter will detect them first, you need to be planning your attack from then, and if its already sub 18km range to target and you’ve not got atleast one missile in flight you’ve made many mistakes up to that point.

Check scope, is target in rMax?
Target high or low?
The higher the target the closer the target can be to rMax while maintaining decent Pk.
As the target descends low the closer to the NEZ they need to be to maintain a good Pk.
Whenever you fire you need to start your F-POLE maneuver, crank 45 degree right or left, with Tornado you don’t have the kinematics to keep reversing the crank to defeat the missile so if you get a MSL warning its time to go cold and chaff.
If you’ve gone cold, what is the range to target? Can you turn around to reengage? if not burn away to team mates. If so reattack and F-POLE again.


I’m guessing with how broken CMs are currently that the idea of assymetrical CM loads is just not on the agenda currently. It’s a shame but at least we have the pre-requisite

Awesome stuff. That skin is to die for

Not unless you are desperate to spam missiles and make shit players mad they died to an F.3

Nothing is funnier than getting an off bore sight 9M off at an F15 who has watched too much of dogfights on the history channel

After the HUGE mig 23 nerf the normal F.3 is arguably the more competitive pic BR for BR, it was literally the only aircraft which completely ruined your day.

Quick side note the F.3 late will actually be slightly faster and more nimble most of the time because the amraam is both lighter and has less drag than the sky flash, Small but anything helps.

Also the MP reductions also means Skyflash has become far more deadly



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I grinded the entire british air tech tree from rank 3 onwards with the sea vixen and i only have about 600-700 games in it, and its not like i stopped playing it after grinding out the entire tree in about 3 weeks… All in all, i would say he is quite possibly insane.

Seeing as the F-4F ICE got stock IRCCM missiles I’m reallllly hoping the new F.3 gets stock 9Ms soon, either that or I’m gonna end up GEing a few mods

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has a small reason, its kinda to give it an equalibrium, the tornado gets access to tier 3 bvr missles with the skyflashes. while the f4f ice needs to wait until gen 4 to get more then its 4 ir missles

Everyone should get stock IRCCM.

We have to get 4x Aim-9L and then research 4x Aim-9M. You just have to research 4x Aim-9Li

Both aircraft get Aim-120s at the same rank, and whilst yes the F3 gets Skyflash STs they are a good weapon system at 11.3. They probably not really usable at 12.7 vs AMRAAM slingers.

Also the ICE is far better in WVR combat, with a reliable gun with plenty of ammo

Ill be honest 7Ms are barely usable against any of the FOX-3s (if they are properly used) on a F15C/J(M) in my experience the past few days, so a Skyflash ST might aswell just not exist as a mod and allow for the AMRAAM and 9M to be lowered down a rank each in the mod tree.

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Shame you face jets with Aim7M and Aim7F that crap all over your Skyflash :(

Super temp is superior to sparrows in the 2km to 10Km range because it accelerates much quicker.

And the f4 is actually capable of pointing its gun and notching without breaking a sweat.

How many times have you guys killed the opponent in a joust only to die to their missiles seconds later because the F3 can’t go cold in time.
At least the F4 has actual turn.

It’s ok though because the mirage 2000 got priority for a new FM. Makes total sense as that aircraft was definitely one of the worst jets in game. They can take their time with the tornados I mean it’s not like you die to a phoenix or anything.

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I mean the M2000 FM changes while sure buffed its energy retention also made it worse in a fucking one circle than both the F-15 and F-16 so lol.

Be careful wishing for a Tornado FM because it will either be

  1. a slight improvement
  2. a downgrade