Panavia Tornado (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

I am already a fan


Maybe if everyone got it fully spaded instantly… Try to play with 2x AIM-9L

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Very nice, it will be interesting to see in a few days when everyone has Aim120s how well the Tonka stands up.

Hasn’t even got the increased number of guidance channels for AIM120s despite the supposed internal report. Still on 2 presumably the SHAR still only has 2 as well.

They need to do month long dev servers to iron out these bugs. The team are stretched too thin and this gets missed out.

Plus another 18 months of live time to maybe consider adding certain features

what’s the difference between it with 2G

it can guide AMRAAMS

As @Mytho-GR1 said, it is AMRAAM compatible.

Hows everyone finding the Tonka? From what ive seen in the gripen, im not looking forward to it tbh. Been playing the gripen how i would with the Tonka but it just seems like you get singled out as soon as you go even slightly away from the pack. I had 3 guys chase me to the literaly edge of the map because they spotted me first, then they all shot every single missile they could at me, i counted 8 before i died to a 9m i couldnt flare to to being unable to turn due to all the ARH missiles in the air… Please dont tell me this is just me, as this happens 8 out of 10 games i play, and if i go on the deck i end up in a furball and die to an ARH missile while on the deck (not complaing about the reduced MP, just saying its a cluster fck low down).

I think the issue is maps are too small/dense. Even in SB I was finding too much action to fast. Time for 256 x 256 SIM maps I think

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the other problem is literaly everyone spawning at the exact same point already everyone being clustered
adding to that the problems of bomber fight

had a game where half the enemy team shot each other down in a 12v12 and there were still 4-6 enemy planes going for me cause I made the mistake of not going left after takeoff. Just gave up on WT tonight and I think I’m gonna give up on trying actual BVR too, better off pretending they’re SARH missiles and firing within the pitbull range

Yeah, there is that, but even in sim with 3 to 5 runways + carrier . It feels dense

I don’t have the F3 late yet, but has anyone noticed that Skyflash SuperTemp, now is just obsessed with chaff. Even the Radar loses lock now which I’m pretty sure it shouldn’t. Also TWS is so buggy now picking up everything

Me again, can we talk about chaff. I watch people chaff an Aim120 from 8km away by dumping some chaff and changing direction. I cant even trick an Aim7F! Aim7M are death you cannot avoid them in a Tornado. They are faster, they pull much more G and they ignore chaff.

While the top tier Tornado has a comparable weapon in the Aim120 the Skyflash aint it.

It could be this to blame:

Thought I was going crazy! That’s cool, I suppose Gaijin are going to reimburse my repair costs for this mistake? Of course not

While folk are struggling with the stock grind (must be hell). I’d suggest sticking with it. I’m having a blast.


Any news about the missing 500 Chaff for the BOZ pods?