Panavia Tornado (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

I will say that it is BOZ, as planes check out

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Or even Pantsirs in GRB. Surely 1200 chaff will slow them down a little.

But even just having full 56 flares with some chaff. Any amount of chaff, will be awesome.

IRST be like, also Pantsir radar is modelled weirdly, so doubt chaff will work on it
It does something like the 8 line scan, dunno why and if it should be like that.

Yeah, but then we also ahve 56 LCFs to drop at the same time. Even more should we get our BOLs too

so Tornado now will be the absolute menace of Ground RB in a full downtier, it’s literally untouchable a can become an UFO circling around Ground RB map lol.

Btw, a little bit off topic, but now Sea Harrier FA.2 sit as the best Aircraft in terms of RWR. It can detect band higher than Su-25SM3, which mean it can detect Pantsir lock lmaoooo.

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Perhaps. but so can the Jaguar Gr1A at 10.3. At its actual BR and uptiers. Its really not that strong.

(also hope maybe we get our 4x Martels too)

and nice. Good job the FA2 has an OP CAS loadout :P

But will be fun as CAP in GRB

Remember to get your 4x thermal PGMs in before the next update. Going to be kind of sad having to drop down to three PGMs to have thermals.

Also just spawn SPAA bro.


It only have dumb bomb though, no signs of Martel Missile. Can they get it though so it can fully use its RWR as Anti Pantsir?

Jaguar Gr1A has TIALD + 2x GBUs

Yeah, Tornado Gr1 could get them, but no signs of any TLC yet for them. But always some hope till the patch notes drop.

Gr1 RWR I dont think can ever detect Pantsir and they would just be TV guided version not the HARM version unfortunately, Mostly I want them for SIM.

GR1 RWR can detect pantsir search radar.

True, though I think its a tad buggy. I rarely get pinged. (unless the Pantsir just always has the radar off)

Probably turning radar off. First thing I do upon spawn in is to see if S1 pings up on the RWR to dive to the deck.

Yeah, I’ve not had a 100% success rate with that though. But hoping more CMs would increase the success rate of hard diving like that.

Sorry, it seems I forgot to give more context, I mean “It” is Sea Harrier FA.2, not the Tornado.

Because from Wikipedia (ik wikipedia it’s not an absolutely reliable source), Sea Harrier FA.2 can carry Martel Missile.

As long as you dive immediately and turn side on the pantsir will never hit you. I’ve been spending a lot of time clubbing all top tier SPAA in the GR1 recently. It’s incredibly easy and I’m surprised that more people don’t actually try to counter them.

To put it in perspective since I finished the stock grind and started playing it in GRB I’ve died maybe 15-20 times to the enemy and killed about 330 ground units and some aircraft.

Im not sure about that. Never heard about it before. It might have been able to carry ALARM though, but I dont think we’ve gotten confirmation for that yet,

I think the most we can hope for from the FA2 is 5x 1000lbs or the rocket pods

to be honest. I just dont play top tier ground at all at the moment. Maybe after decompression but the Chally 2s feel totally outclassed and its not fun.

to be honest. I just dont play top tier ground at all at the moment.

Neither do I, top tier UK is miserable. I just spawn a fox or VFM5 and get two or three scouts or one scout and cap and J out into my tornado because the ground gameplay is insufferable at that BR.

It’s the only thing I find remotely enjoyable at that BR now.


Sounds pretty good tactic actually :D

But I think im gunna be spending most of my time in ASB in the next update.