Panavia Tornado (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

Btw, about the Mauser cannon rounds, is there just no other ammunition kinds for it with tracers that the tornados did use, or why do the tornados need to use practice rounds as part of their ammo belt?

F3 only ever really used the warshot HE rounds and practice.



That’s not to say it wasn’t able to fire the APHE rounds, just didn’t need them for air to air.

A few of my colleagues are Ex-RAF Engineers, not sure if any worked on the Tonka, will send a few texts now and see


How would increased AoA reduce lift?

At least half is certainly hyperbole. The only way F-16s, F-14s, and MiG-29s should be losing to an F.3 is huge skill issue.

Turns out the average player isn’t very good then, even my latest video is mostly F-16 F-14 and Mirage 2000. And since the game isn’t a 1v1 timing, positioning and skill all matter.

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You said it, not me. I’m assuming you choose your highlights for your videos, so I’m not sure why the majority of your kills being against better planes is meant to be meaningful.

Just because someone, who has racked up more than 1,000 matches in just the F.3 since it was released, can achieve acceptable K/D ratios in it doesn’t mean that the plane is good for 11.3. My K/D isn’t far off yours after just over 100 matches, almost all of which was from before Skyflash buffs and the 2G radar introduction. That doesn’t mean the plane is good for its BR.

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One response so far from an ex tonka engineer.

“I believe they were the maximum rpm & temperatures during ground runs”

I’m not sure if that’s the maximum they were permitted to do during ground runs, or if that’s the maximum figures they achieved during ground run tests.

As for whether it affects flight performance, I’ve messaged my stepdad who flew the Phantom FGR2 around the time it was being phased out for the F3, I can’t remember whether he was trained on the F3 then posted, or trained, briefly flew the f3, and then posted to the Jaguar.


I had similar behaviour with PGMs vs a base with CCRP

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My experience with the Skytrash is much the same. Sometimes it works flawlessly, and tracks with ease, others I’ll fire and watch it explode for no reason a few seconds later. and it will repeat with subsequent missiles. Even watched one fly straight into the ground from 200ft, no idea why, and once that happens, your dead. You cannot run from an F-16 or Mig-29 and you cannot turn to fire again.

I do also get consistant issues with the radar (i’ll try and get footage of) but I find sometimes that it just doesnt see the target clearly infront of me in any mode, or TWS will fixate on something far off in the distance and nothing I do will get it to swap from that target, essentially making TWS unusable. If TWS only fixated onto targets that are within the desired radar scope range, then it would be a lot more usable, but as it currently stands, I might be trying to fight something 20km in front of me, only for my radar to be more interested in something 80kms away off in the distance.

Interesting, thank you. I guess that explains why the numbers are different in each aircraft: every individual engine will stabilise at slightly different values.

I’ve updated the main post

Good news, at least where AGMs are concerned, the random snapping/resetting behaviour previously observed with the TIALD pod appears to be fixed. Though still cannot lock onto targets beyond about 15km

The skyflash hits well if you fire from 30km 27km 25km, takes It some time but hit.
It not hit if they change the altitude from high altitude to low

Turn is roughly correct now, so for AOA to be increased, wing lift/area itself needs to decrease to balance out.

I already asked about that in the Harrier thread, I have the same issue. The AGM-65D actually should even be able to track moving targets up to 20km.

Of course, cranking will deplete the missiles energy.

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Has there been a recent change? I thought it was still underperforming.

Sorry for imgur, forum doesn’t allow uploads of more than 4 Mb lmao.

Very interesting how this never happens when I’m using the R-27ER with the mig-29. Guess it’s just a coincidence/skill issue @Gunjob.

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I mean the target was in the multipath effect, you can clearly see the radar lock box dropping below the plane. This is a well known mechanic that impacts all SARH missiles.

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