Panavia Tornado (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

September Major update

Ahhh gotcha

We are now entering the realms of what modern aviation will bring, we are never going to find accurate data on these weapon systems that are still classified. The way I see it AIM-120 and R-77 will be the best and the rest will be playable

oh boy plsssssss

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gszabi just confirmed that, only question is which specific variant of tornado i guess

Question is AOP or FSP?

FSP would be better short term with the Aim-120C5s
But AOP would be better long term because it leaves the FSP as an option for when ASRAAM come

I don’t think they will be that specific, they will just call it “late” and go upgrading it as time passes if necessary.

It would be a shame if they did that though, but yeah, probably will be that

Might be complete hopium talking… but…

New Tornado F3, maybe finished flight model for the Tornados?

They like pairing things like that together like they did for the FRS1

better than having another one just for C5s and asraam, just upgrade the existing late.

It’s a shame that British Top Tier somehow had an identical twin (albeit some of them have pretty distinctive weaponary like GR.1 with GR.1A)
The FG.1 with FGR.2
The Sea Harrier FRS.1 with the so-called “Early” Model
The Buccaneer S2 with S2B
The Jaguar GR.1 with GR.1A
And we’re having a twin Tornado F.3 now?

I just hope they can finish the FM so it’ll be competitive in the next update. It’s been a year now since the F.3 was released in War Thunder.

Yeah, though some arent that bad and some need improvements

Jaguar Gr1A can get an RWR upgrade and does have some notable upgrades over the Gr1
FGR2 could get Aim-9Ls and AGM-12s
Sea Harrier FRS1 “late” could get RWR upgrade (and even Aim-9Ms if they really wanted)
Buc S2B is fairly decent upgrade over the Buc S2 though Buc S2 is missing stuff and Buc S2B is still buggy like RWR

Tornado F3 and Tornado F3 “late” and FGR2/FG1 would be the ones that would be truly 100% identical, just with different loadouts (unless they pull some other upgrade as well, but no idea what)

Been 18 months since the IDSs were added. yeah its about time they fixed them

The thing with the Phantoms is that they are both really the same aircraft from the same time period. Both being mid RAF service (very late 70’s/ very early 80’s) because they have the gun, Skyflash, but no AIM-9L. However with the Tornado the F.3 and F.3 late would be the exact same aircraft from different eras. One being from the 90’s(?) and the other being from the 00’s. Maybe. Anyway the only difference would be armaments. The CSP added in ARH capability with the ASF and 120 with the ability to use the ASRAAM. Hopefully we see the AOP which would be AIM-120B and AIM-9M.

AoP would be my guess. Unless they want to jump straight to FSP with the C5s. But we dont know if C5s are coming this update. So may just be Bs.

But Galaxy is right above. Maybe just a generic “late” that can get upgrades overtime.

Start with Bs, then gets C5s and then Get ASRAAM would work kinda well, and mitigate extra grinding. But could leave gaps in the TT.

But yeah, FGR2 and FG1 need some love and I hope they do something for this late more than just ARH. Like Decoys or something

C5’s are too advanced for now. I’m assuming they (and equivalent missiles) will come in September.

i dont think c-5s are too advanced at all, considering other nations are getting MICAs, R-Darters and the like

PL-12 and MICA are apparently C5 ish levels. So we really dont know what they’ll do. Its possible. I guess we have to wait for dev stream

U sure that’s not fake?? Smells fake to me

It’s probably true, but we have to wait until tomorrow, apparently these are going to be shown on Dev stream.

I mean I’d love it to be true it just seems weird gaijin would add 3 fox 3 capable jets at the same time, they’re not even that generous with the American tree