Panavia Tornado (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

I remeber that too Sweden didnt have the HMD they had the A model.
But Gaijin backtracked and gave them the HMD and essentially a C model

I would rather they add consistent lower br stuff that are unique whilst we wait for typhoon , stuff like the cheetah or even would be awesome to play with. I’m usually playing a full br and a half below the top Bracket anyway. I play the F3 a hell more than the grippen, mine Is still stock lmao

How can u not say the grippen being after the FGR isn’t cursed af xD,

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Nope, the A lacked HMD

We’re too off topic, check DM.

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You’re right my bad.

Afaik no leak has said it would be premium, including the ones that said the 2A4M would be. Gonna have to wait til dev stream/server to see how it’s implemented.

Would have preferred an AMRAAM-capable Tornado instead tbh (now I’m not off-topic :P)


Cheetah would be a much better option for like an 11.7 or 12.0 which is also needed for when Gripen goes up with its ARH’s.

Typhoon doesn’t make sense without ASRAAM or AMRAAM.

It could only carry 2 skyflash and 4 AIM9 AFAIK.

The SA Gripen should get the Dartier missile with the next patch

It was a case of we get the gripen, or we get nothing.

I would always rather have something than nothing, and this is not a time to be choosey when we are dealing with the implementation of vehicles which are still classified.

The thing that would make it competitive is R-Darter, otherwise it’s just another Kfir with less missiles.

It couldn’t carry skyflash

Yeah it’s basically a Derby made by SA. Idk if it actually has any difference at all.

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Going to be impossible to find good data to bug report either way. I fear how bad its going to be. I doubt the SAAF Gripen will be competitive in BVR

Hopefully they consider them both the “same” missile, like it was on dev.

Though werent they noticably worse than other ARH with the exception of PL-12?

Yeah they just lofted to space at long range.

Well. We’ll have to wait and see. I know i’ll be in the FA2 (if it comes) more than the gripen. But would be disapointing to find that after waiting for effective BVR on the gripen, we still end up with no effective BVRs

Was kinda hoping for a new F.3 to grind tho :(((

Im guessing Sep. This way round is a tad better. beacuse at least we get a new aircraft, not an existing one with some different AAMs.
