Panavia Tornado (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

They already have other FOX 3 capable jets in-game (F-16C for example), Britain doesn’t. Also the only real new aircraft is the SHar FA.2, F.3 Late is just an F.3 with other missiles.

Sorry I meant adding 3 for the uk all at once. I’m just used to the British tree fighting over scraps for content lol, I hope it’s true and I hope that means maybe new fm for the tornado as well. One can dream tho

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Well Gripen with darter sea harrier fa2 maybe tornado f.3?

Well, Technically we’d get 4 if we include the Gripen (though Mig-21 may not get R-77s)

That list I think can be considered accurate with a fair degree of confidence.

But actually… It kinda makes sense. Britain has no aircraft between the Harrier Gr7 at 11.7 and the Gripen C at 12.7. If we assume that the new aircraft (F-15C/Su-27SM, etc) and existing top tiers like the Gripen C/F-16C with ARH are going to be 13.0. Then that leaves one hell of a void. That desperately needs filling. A big part why we got nothing last year was because “there was no good options”

Aim-120s add several options

Sea Harrier FA2 and Tornado F3 AOP/FSP fill that void quite nicely, without too much work on Gaijin’s part. Only real shame is the Mig-21, (which might not have R-77s if its intended to be a F-20 equivalent at 12.0). But I suppose it might bring some more players to our TT meaning we get more TLC in the future.

Yes, not sure Bizon will carry R-77s considering it is premium, could come with only R-73s, but that’s another possibility.

50/50 chance I reckon. entirely depends on ARH balance/placement.

They may give us a 12.3 premium. They only wont add top tier. if top tier is 13.0 then 12.3 is no where close

The trailer would probably have shown R-77s to hype ppl up for buying it. Although I’d assume it depends on weather it’s a rank 7 or 8 premium. If it’s a rank 7 then definitely no r77 but if it’s rank 8 then more likely.

If the bison is a rank 8 then it could mean rank 9 is coming Christmas patch with the typhoon

Soooo, F3 Late will be a WSU option Z, right?


That’s a proposed upgrade, right?

Yep, at least we do not know about any existing.

Yes it was one of the options as an alternative to Eurofighter.

This is too good to be true, I don’t think it can be implemented to the game unless there’s urgent reason to include a proposed engine.

Mirage 2000-5 also have this proposed upgraded engine, I forgot what’s the SNECMA name, but the new proposed engine gurantee a smaller fuel consumption but also boost the thrust around “5-10%” which is quiet big since Mirage 2000 already have better fuel consumption than other aircraft. But obviously it’s just a proposed engine and it never really went into production because France prefer expand Rafale instead.

its coming with R-73s it had them in the trailer.

That’s probably 99% fake, they would have needed to make adjustments to the ass of the f.3 for the ej 2000 which I don’t believe they har any designs for it was just a proposal. Unless anyone feels like leaking classified documents

Its not fake, it just never happened.

I’m not saying the proposal is fake I’m saying the chance of it being added this update is pretty much nothing.

Yeah… he is making a joke

Ahh :)))

Speak of the devil, they really did make Tornado F.3 late lmaoooooooo. I hope they finally finish the FM tbh.

i right now realy dont want to hear a british complained anymore. tornado and f4f ice are at the same br and the tornado literaly every aspect is better getting aim 9ms and aim 120bs…

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