Panavia Tornado (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

That would be one of the main selling points, maybe the first FOX 3 equipped premium, and even if it doesn’t, the R-27 will do the trick.

Soviets are gunna be pissed though, which hopefully means its not coming to us first.

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Im sure they will get over it, or if they complain enough they will add it to both trees

Probably what they have done. Rather than giving Britain a unique 12.0+ premium, we are just getting a reskinned version of the soviet equivalent.


Whilst I would prefer native vehicles in the TT first I wouldn’t be too opposed to the MIG-21UPG being in our tree as well.

I feel like it’s gonna be the next grinding event reward.

Stuff like the UPG and jaguar is are infinitely better than the insult that was the JAS39c.

At least it’s a preem or something like that rather than just smack bang in the main Line without a sub tree. The grippen is the least unique South African aircraft they could have possibly added and it’s not even in their own sub tree it’s just randomly after the phantom.

Why don’t they just make a separate part of the uk nation for commonwealth like blue water/ coastal fleet. It would make everyone happier.

Hate it, hate that we have a top tier jet thats a JAS-39 because it was easier to model the Gripen for 3 nations to use than the Typhoon.

Indian vehicles are not exciting and when we do get the exciting ones the Su-30MKII/Rafale what tree are those going to (wont be Britain) They have just been shoehorned in, its lazy and boring.

They didn’t give us Gripen because they were too lazy to model a Typhoon (FYI 3 nations would get a Typhoon as well) they didnt model it because it is really good compared to what is in the game now


Typhoon would be no better than the Gripen with the same armament.
Or are we going to get the Typhoon years after Russia and America have dominated and it will arrive broken.

No British main wanted an SA version of a Swedish jet, when we have actual aircraft that we have produced that would slot in perfectly.

The Typhoon would blow the Gripen out of water my guy

It is faster turns better has more missiles better radar

It is literally better in every way


It was a lazy choice no question about it, not because the typhoon was and still is a little nuts to be added in at that time.

It was just a horrible choice.

Edit: I’m talking about the way they implemented btw, not the actual plane

Everyone was asking for a decent top tier jet for britain, they gave the best top tier jet in the game for britain.


Turning performance is marginal - Typhoon has a better instantenous turn
Radar is classified so a reduced radar would be acceptable

Typhoon has a larger RCS and burns hotter in our IR missile meta thats a disadvantage. It’s also bigger and easier to hit.

I dont think if it came with 4 Aim 9m it would break the game.


they gave the best Swedish jet to Britain until the backlash from community forced them to make the difference irrelevant.

They added the first South African jet which wasn’t something like the cheetah which is unique, they copy pasted instead

And added it randomly to the British tech tree without a sub tree to play around with fun other vehicles

Sounds like a well thought out plan :)

Typhoon has a much better sustained rate, climb and accel.


So based on that we dont get the Typhoon until what?
F-22 is added and Su-35?

They were basically the same from the get go except for the name.

Cheetah wouldnt solve the lack of top tier problem, nor any indigenous aircraft from britain.

Theres no need for a sub tree, it’s only a single aircraft atm, and also theres enough lines there.

The initial idea was that the C had HMD and a I think a better engine on the dev servers, they changed it when ppl raged

No, the C wasnt even on the devserver. They were always the same.