Panavia Tornado (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

But Tornado ADV from Royal Saudi Air Force not armed 4th gen IR AAM seeker like RAF (Tornado F3) and ITA ?

Im just waiting for Gaijin to make the Sea Harrier Britains only Aim120 carrier.

I wouldn’t even be mad.
As long as the Shar FA.2 comes this patch, I’m stoked.

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Not against Su-27SM or F-15C its doa

Nah it will be fine

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Eh, it should do fine. It’s got a very good radar so should have a much easier time flinging off shots.

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Based on what, yes Radar is good but kinematically its lacking
It can only carry 4 Aim120
The Su-27SM will have 10-12 missiles
And the F-15C will carry 8 missiles.

No, neither did the Italian Tornado. The only ADV that ever carried more advanced AAM’s was the RAF F.3 in its CSP/AOP/FSP variations and what would seem to be limited use over Kosovo.

I intend to play it in SB.

I’m moving away from the clusterfk that RB has become. (Tonka F3 is great in SB if you get the right bracket)

But I do hope the devs are sensible with its BR. Given its flight performance compared to other ARH Missile carriers, I hope they put it around .3 to .7 lower in BR (that is, with the br cap increased with the new missile addition)

ARH missiles are easily defeated when launched at range, your only issue is if they’re fired in the no escape zone, and if you’ve let an enemy get that close, well that’s on you.


But Tornado ADV from italy tech tree armed 4th gen IR AAM seeker (AIM-9L/i & AIM-9/I-1) ?

Tornado F3 (RAF) in UK tech tree lack AIM-9M ?

Italian never got Super Temps, yet here we are

Honestly, I’m kinda worried that the leak list is right and we end up getting the Mig 21 UPG, possibly as Premium lol

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Well, they need to introduce something that will sell, as JUnK is universally considered not worth it by the community.

So I might want gajin remove Skyflash SuperTEMP and add IR AAM AIM-9L/i & AIM-9/I-1 this year. but increase BR to 11.7 or 12.0 ?

Premium that can use R77…I’m really confused why Gaijin keep forcing junk Indian tech on Britain.
Make new tech trees

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Well, if they give it that April’s fools RCAF livery I’ll accept it.


MiGStory10 (1)

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Would have to go in the German tree then! 🤣

The hope is that there is a full BR gap between them. But that’s a convo for the sea harrier thread

As long as it’s not above 12.3. its gunna be awesome

Yeah fingers crossed