Panavia Tornado (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

Tornado in 10.7-11.7 is very good,

Could be @Morvran’s answer to a premium.

Kosovo war variant F3 with ASRAAM.

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Perhaps because BOL did not work with ASRAAM and so they put on the pods for a quick solution?

i dont think that should be the case

No its part of the required E-War fit for the Kosovo war. Phimat and the TRD.


CSP officially introduced the AMRAAM and ASRAAM, so its possible this was emergency war clearance, like the squadron who received AIM-9M in the Gulf.

I will say quality spot @HyJetV

It did, but also you can just about see the BOL in that shot note the rounded heat and the wide rear dispenser;

yeah I didnt know if it worked or not, was just a guess as to why it might be carrying the pods :)

Yeah you can’t carry just one pod outboard, so they needed the Phimat to balance out the TRD. And you needed ECM to operate in the Kosovo airspace during the war.

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Or, tie a toilet to the other side

Still waiting for double rails

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Clearer one showing ASRAAM on BOL (port side, inboard) if needed

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It was more of a comment on that specific F.3 with the ASRAAM SuperTEMP combo. The manual covers ASRAAM is compatible with BOL as it is with any launcher that can support a sidewinder.

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Maybe F2 as premium,

Just to confirm im not going mad (or am)

Sim BR brackets, do they change?

Im sure when i played the Tonka F3 yesterday, the BR bracket i selected was 10.7-11.7, yet i cant even see that range today, or even create a match with that bracket.

Im sure i wasnt in a 11.7-12.7 match…

Would be an awful premium. Not to mention it would have the W-list radar, and we all know what a pleasure that would be.

You say that but look at the wtd 61 germany got lol.
Gajin doesnt realy care if a premium is good

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Still has a RWR and countermeasures.

ah now i see what u mean, well certainly takes getting used to

Well. Tornado Gr1 ain’t getting a BR drop in ARB or ASB. Despite being identical to the mfg and WTD61 because “reasons”

They also might nerf the amount of reward you get from killing bases

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