Panavia Tornado (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

Thats the same experience I have

You need one key to warm up the PGM it will then lock to a point, spamming fire isn’t the right way to use them.

It is lockd on already by the CCIP those both do the same thing.

CCIP and CCRP do not lock the PGM seeker.

I’d need to double check, but I think when beyond a certain range (at least in SB) it just disengages instantly, shall double check and report back with video. I believe I was using that control

@Fireball_2020 I think I have finally worked out the conversion of AoA units to AoA degrees for the Tornado. It appears to be 1 unit = 1 degree.

It turns out the AoA scale on the HUD gives AoA in degrees rather than units:

While the AoA indicator in the cockpit uses units:

It would seem odd to me that the HUD would display a different number to the AoA indicator; that just seems like something that would lead to confusion in the heat of the moment (forgetting which indicator is using which unit). In addition all the references to AoA in the manual are in units, so you would want the HUD readout to be easily relatable to those numbers.

Obviously that is not proof though, so I scoured through every Tornado cockpit video I could find until I came across this one. For a single frame you can see the HUD (repeated on the rear cockpit display) and the angle of attack indicator at the same time. Both appear to be reading the same value of 5 (unfortunately a lot of the HUD screen is black due to the different refresh rates of the screen and camera, but you can just see the arrow of the AoA scale giving a reading of 5):

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That’s a fairly common thing + new behaviour

I am using “lock air to ground” but it instantly turns off the seeker. Though in this clip, the TIALD randomly hard locks something else and no matter what I do I cant get it too shift. Though when I turn away it does break this lock and I can re-acquire a target. I have never seen this before

65000ft is about 20 km.

This was take 2 and it wouldnt let me fire my first PGM until more like 15km, and then it was really un happy when firing the 2nd and 3rd missiles. I stopped the recording a second too early, but you do get to see the other major issue with PGMs. They dont fall away at all and its easy to suicide

Ack, you are quite correct, it is confusing that there are 3 other methods for locking I usually use but they only work for Laser guidance not TV guidance it seems.
Which is odd as I find these methods do work for Mavericks and Walleyes? I do not quite understand.

Further tests this time on a mpa with a lot less clouds

I think part of the issue is that it hates clouds, but also some wierd TIALD + TV Sight (I assume) Behaviour that makes it rather fiddly to use in SB at least

Had a great fight with an Italian tornado

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Well well well. That certainly seems conclusive. Great Job!

Actually, imo the hud copy look to be about 6 degrees, and the indicator appears to be about 4.8 units.

Interestingly enough, using the conversion 25° = 30 units, 4.8° = 5.8 units.

That is backwards compared to your other comment though. Here the number of degrees is larger than the number of units:

Doh, ye that’s right, just got it the wrong way round. 1.2 Units = 1 Degree is suggested by the difference in the two axis. Which is counterintuitive.

Although parallax error might cause us some issues. I’ll try look for some extra footage.

1:1 is still possible, but I do see it as odd that the HUD readout wouldn’t cover departure AOA.

That’s probably a wise idea. GR.4 backseat footage is by far the easiest to come across. The HUD is typically shown on the left or right screen, while the AoA meter is on top of the centre screen.

1 unit = 1.2 digress rather.

Ideally we do need more footage of other readings to work out any sort of relationship and rule out parallax. A 1 - 1 relationship seems sensible, but you are right in that the readings do look slightly different.

@Fireball_2020 This makes a 1 - 1 relationship sound possible:

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