Panavia Tornado (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

I have observed some… odd behaviour from radars since the major update. Was gunna give it a few more days for some of the post-update instability to be resolved before I start trying to get examples for a bug report. I had the F3 radar totally unable to see a Mig-21 at 3km at altitude the other day. It was wierd. So it might be related to that.

Though that was in Sim and Sim always has some very strange behaviour after a major update.

Out of curiosity, which radar mode do you use when you’re getting into WVR, and thinking of firing IR missiles? I find the TWS will start soft-locking and slaving the 9L to the wrong target.

On another note, I wanted to make a suggestion that this option is changed:

I think it would work better, if instead of locking your radar pitch to 0 degrees, would just turn off the automatic leveling the game currently does. I would personally prefer if it stayed at the angle I select regardless of my nose attitude, but that I still have the option to manually point it up/down. Should this be a suggestion on the forum or somewhere else?

I was thinking of a forum suggestion for the exact same thing. That setting is one of the most annoying when it comes to radars

I would love a option for it to be a button toggle, so i can slave and unslave it to my nose on a whim

That too would be awesome.

I switch to LPRF search, but most of the time I won’t need the lock for more than a second to check the LSZ. LPRF Lock > Check the LSZ > In the C? Fire > Break lock.

The F.3 LPRF mode is sickeningly good close to the ground.

Suggestion section yes.


I am using ACM the tempo of Air RB makes it hard to know what mode to select and as you are never launching a Skyflash past 20km the 19km ACM mode was good enough.

Why would the RADAR then try to automatically track the chaff and not the aircraft? The Tornado has a very powerful RADAR surely Chaff shouldn’t spook it at close ranges (8 - 3km)

But it seems I need to adapt my playing style.

Well, even if you lock using for example PD is will still automaticly change to pulse

It will if the target reaches F0 where it would’ve lost the track without the transfer.

But using the search modes allows you to start with the PRF of your choosing. ACM you run the risk that the target will be seen in LPRF first 50% of the time.

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I must admit i have not played as much, but i did not had a situation where it locked in LPRF when it could have locked in HPRF

As someone who arguably plays too much F.3 there has been a few times where I was instinctively reaching out for my change mode key, right as the automation did it for me. Its working very well.

Well, for F3 it seems to work suprisingly well, trying to change to HPRF as soon as it can. However planes like Mirages have it tough. And im nearly sure ACM also starts in PD and then if it cant lock thing inside the cone switches to pulse, so chaff rejection was somewhat succesfull for me while using acm.

Depends of the beam width and cone size. If the target was on the lower section of the cone it could be missed in the first HPRF pass and caught in the LPRF pass.

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On another note, did you figured out what the max pause time means?

Nope, doesn’t seem to have broken or made something noticeably better.

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Tornado F3 radar blindness - SB:



This has happened a few times, though not uncommon for SB to be a tad broken for the first week after an update. Shall keep an eye out next week and do a proper bug report if it does it again.

I think they’re being masked by the MBC filter, if you backed off the throttle it would see the target.

Which you can see as the second you start braking you get a track.

What is the MBC Filter?

I get this kind of blindness quite a bit, at a range of distances. I always chalk it up to SB being well… SB. But if its actually something im doing wrong it would be helpful.

Yeah watching again, the target is being masked by the MBC, you’ve got clutter on your radar display (see the up down arrow next to TWS HDN). Then once you get a clutter free look up the target is then pretty much in F0 so you’re blind again until you start breaking and the target leaves F0.