Panavia Tornado (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

Well… Was gunna try out the new radar functionality in SB, but SB is totally broken currently… so looks like I’ll have to wait a while to try it. Same for the Gr7 MAWS

MAWS are a C&P of F111, so if anything moves in 3,5km 140/90 degree cone (no matter if at your direction or just brushes the tip of the radar cone) it will start dumping flares

Yeah, no surprise there.

It’s more so the ability to get slow and radius fight
re did the testing using accurate 60% fuel and 45 sweep for correct speeds.




Cheers updated the report internally.


I know this isn’t related to the Brit Tornadoes but still the most related thread around, so I’ll go ahead and ask here:
Did the Tornado ADV in Italian service use the Aspid missile or was it only limited to Skyflash?

Skyflash, likely didn’t have SuperTEMP either. But it has them for balancing purposes.


When the air-defence role shifted from Phantom to Tornado ADV, Skyflash had to be modified with these little cutouts to securely engage the ejectors in the semi-recessed bays on Tornado ADV. These modifications to the airframe were part of what was known as Skyflash TEMP (Tornado Embodied Modification Package)

Therefore, Aspide almost certainly wouldn’t work with the Tornado’s ejectors properly without similar structural modifications being carried out. Which would no doubt be more costly than it was worth for Italy’s lease of Tornado ADVs


Oh wow. That’s incredibly interesting. Thanks to you both for the anwers.


The bug where you can’t pull more than 1g when one of your tail elevators is shot off is still here a year later….

Could the tornado gr 1 ever carry Martel missiles?

Yep, 4 of them

God I hope they give them it. Kinda redundant with the pgms and all but I’ve been having a blast with them in the buccaneer and wish they were in the tornado. They just seem to track a lot better than the mavericks I’ve had the displeasure of using. It’s a shame they only track the ground from 6km out but they are very good at finding targets in the way there. Perfect for bringing into my 11.3 games to kill pantsirs.

Thats good to hear. I was rather disappointed by the approach they seemed to take with the Martels. Ive not unlocked them yet.

And yeah, no such thing as too many choices, would be good to get any and all loadout options for the Tornado. With Gaijin Nerfs, the Tornado Gr1 needs every buff it can get

It would allow for 4 guided missiles instead of just 3 as well, maybe 2 pgm2000 with 2 Martels.

In theory, you dont need TIALD for the 2000s do you?

That would replace a Martel if it did. But yeah, in theory you could run that loadout.

Auto RADAR mode who wanted this? the RADAR is so sensitive to chaff now and doesn’t reacquire makes the BVR/SARH jousting even more painful when any chaff in the vicinity of the aircraft you are trying to lock ruins your lock and then the RADAR spends the rest of that window automatically locking the chaff. Causing your missile to fail.

Just feels this update the RADAR on the Tornado is useless.

Lack of auto management was reported for the F.3 on day one.

My question would be, are you primarily using ACM? If so stop using it as an “everything” mode and actually start using the search and TWS modes. I use TWS to soft lock and only go into track when in range. Also using narrow scan on the normal PD HDN search mode helps with target selection.

It is a feature of the radar;


The main takeaway is that it transfers when a target nears F0, so you wouldn’t have held the track without the transfer to LPRF.

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