Panavia Tornado (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

I meant are they now uncoupled, so I can dodge a phoenix like every other jet in the game lol.


It could be worse, I got killed by an r3 r as I couldn’t turn out the way in time……


Damn Im hating these BOL nerfs, was pre-flaring against a Mig-23ML in SB whilst I was jousting, My Skyflash ST lawn darts but his R-24T just straight up ignores the pre-fired BOLs and hits me without effort. If the roles were reversed, and I had fired a 9L instead. it would have gone for his flare in a heartbeat

ive been under a rock for the past little bit, what did they change about the BOL’s?

In an attempt to nerf the Gripen, they massively nerfed all BOL for all aircraft

Gunjobs report to try and undo the damage:

Flame’s report to try and undo the damage to the chaff side of BOL:

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Was wondering why flares become suddenly fucking useless…. It’s not the gripens fault it’s got a cold ass engine, it’s like the f5c all over again but this time they simply nerfed us instead of making the engine more realistic. The double flare pop seems redundant considering we already have flare priority, and is it even “realistic” that it dropped 2 per flare drop. I know we use flares completely different than in irl but for all their talk about realism they really don’t care all that much when they don’t like a jet doing too well.


The change was also the wrong one. The issue isnt necessarily even the effectiveness of the flares themselves. The issue was people using continuous release to make themselves 100% immune to IR missiles by constantly pre-flaring. That could have been fixed by either

A) removing 2x BOL from the Gripen
B) Modeling BOL more accurately in the manner Gunjob suggests in his bug report.
(Optional option C) actually model engine exhaust temps)

But instead they took the lazy option that hurt every aircraft, except ironically, the Gripen, which I dont really feel has been that affected by the BOL nerfs except the fact its not worth constantly dropping flares anymore


It’s a shame. I only ever put flare release on when in a dog fight as it meant I could reasonably ignore the outside world to have some fun at top tier. As you said it still works for the gripen but now my tornado is even worse than it already was. Wives had better luck in the ej Kai simply because it has 7fs which are just that much better.

I think they are called just “Hindenburg” after the airship.

Your wife plays WT? Nice.

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Seen them get called both honestly, in print products and more generally in discussion. Also “hindies” for short or simply the “big jugs”.
It wasn’t an official name for the tanks after all, so plenty of variation on what air and ground crews, and civilian “spotters” chose to refer to them as. But yes, they were named for their resemblance to an airship

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I wish. I go on the forums whenever I have free time on my phone so it’s autocorrect doing its job, poorly.

Well… Looks like Tornados are 100% finished in Gaijins eyes. So I dont think we will ever see a finished FM or the radar being added. Not too mention any of the missing weapon types

(Based upon Smins comments in R&R)

Oh Morvran my sweet summer child, I could have told you that!

The problem, is that the Tornado isn’t Russian or American.


Yeah… Kinda hoping that the Saudi tornado ends up on the US tree now


Don’t misrepresent Smin’s comments, there are still open reports for all the things you described. Things happen when they happen. Calm yourself.


That was not my interpretation. My interpretation is that they believe those reports would change nothing and therefore not worth implementing.

At this point, I’m not expecting them to ever be fixed

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Yeah have faith my guy, the mosquito only took 8 years to get an FM update but it came round eventually lmao.


This is not what was said at all. Would appreciate it if you do not misrepresent or twist what was said.

We have not said any reports are “not worth implementing”.


Except it isn’t. We have open bug reports waiting for the FM which have been say waiting for 9 months to be fixed

And likely a lot more to be done once the FM is finished.

I also do not understand this “game limitation” stance as the Mig-23MLD has functional wing slats. So what is so different about the tornado?

But it shouldn’t matter If it was no difference or a big difference. It’s been 15 months since the Tornado was added and it’s barely been looked at. We are only now getting some very basic cockpit symbology a full year after the F3 was added and it’s barely a drop in the ocean on that front.

And then to add insult to injury, Gaijin recently nerfed the F3 dramatically with those fake BOL nerfs which basically leaves the F3 defenceless to IR missiles.

If it was a US or Soviet aircraft, it would have been fixed a year ago. The Tornado was added at least 1 year too late and now we are sat… Still waiting… For even tiny problems to be fixed or finished over a year later. Not too mention the GAINT massive problems to even be acknowledged by the Devs like the fact there is no Radar currently and the FM is a placeholder.