Panavia Tornado (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

As shown by the tool the other person linked the R-24R will match or beat a skyflash superTEMP to 5 and 10km in pretty much any launch condition.

The weight difference is due to the motor, once the missiles start gliding they have the same mass. There are some differences in the PID but I’d have to check what those mean practically, otherwise their parameters are identical to the dogfight Skyflash

It’s going back to dog fights on the gripen that I realised I was getting more kills with them compared to the superTEMPS. I just feel like I can fire them off at more angles and still hit.

The things is here

The missile is heavier and the engine generate a little less thrust at the start, causing it to pull less. Also there is something diffrent with PID, but i have no idea how to read it

Yeah, perhaps. I tend to find that aim9Ms are just better for that, but STs are better for those longer range jousts. Kinda makes me want the 9M on the F3

The missile chart is back? I need a link


Sarh just give you that guaranteed head on kill and allows me to dump them quickly in order to dumb weight. The gripen I want 2 quick head on kills before I engage the 6 enemies that have already turned on my 6. It is so nice having a jet that can tussle instead of accepting your fate as your “fast” jet is slower than most jets bellow its br.

Yep, it is wierd not being dead the mili-second you begin to merge with someone.

New fun bug has dropped, when you release a wing pylon bomb/PGM it has a small chance to teleport back to your wing a second or so after being dropped and tear your aircraft in half.

I love how complete and finished the Tornado is in this game…



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I’ve been killed by more than a few PGMs before. But that was a while ago. Interesting that regular bombs are doing that too. Didnt have any issues a few days ago. So shall keep an eye out. Probably will grind the next token in the Gr1

It’s even better on the buccaneer as the bombs dropped internally spawn just above your jet, all of a sudden since the last update, meaning if your in a 5 degree dive they can actually fall on you and brake shit. Like how does this happen, and it’s funny because o don’t think a single thing has been done about it as it’s for bombers.

Oh god… Though didnt encounter that in the buc the other day. So maybe im just lucking out

Hey the good news is that it isn’t just the Tonka or the Bucc. The Shack also has that issue and it really makes bombing impossible because of the massive internal bomb bay.

I thought it was for every bomber? Is it no and it’s just for the British bombers as I’m pretty sure it happens for the Canberra’s as well?

jesus christ really gaijin

no doubt they’ll all be sipping on their vodka in their dachas laughing their asses off because this is “an intended feature” and “they’re on holiday”

Also, do they seriously still believe the Su 27 and F-15 are 12.3 worthy airframes…
I have not been having any fun with the Tornado when i get trolled by the SuperTEMPs missing because “hE’s flYiNG at lOw aLtITudE thAt’S hoW yOu dODge lmao”

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Oh they never believed that the Su-27 and F-15 were suitable 12.3’s. Unless they had no R-27 / AIM-7M’s.

yeah well is there any chance they could f*** off for a bit and put them at a BR where i don’t have to fight them in a flying brick with shorter sticks than theirs, cause doing that every game is getting tiresome and monotonous to say the least.


You know it’s bad when I’ve been having more fun and better games while spading the ej Kai than in the tornado…. 7fs and 7ms are just that much better than sky flashes let alone r27ers. Plus the fm of the ej isn’t as much of a brick as the tornado. They need to sort out the fm as it just dumps speed at Mach but can’t lose anything bellow 0.8.

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