Assuming there’s enough clearance and weight was okay, could have also allowed for them (or more likely AMRAAM) on the stub pylon too
Ah. I see. Thank you both. Time for Skyflash Active then for the Tornado Gr1 :D
They would fit perfectly together. Sadly i doubt anything like that ever happend, and i doubt anyone ever thought about it, so nah.
I can’t blame Gaijin for that one really. Up until literally yesterday there was literally no information available on it other than it featured on a few sales brochures, but was not cleared for use.
Thought there was an excerpt from the manual that explained it in decent detail?
That was the tracking mode, not search
Hey. Just a heads up, the devs checked out this image and this particular aircraft of WTD-61 is an ECR, not IDS.
I guess the only thing for it then is to add CBUs to the game and in perticular MW-1 to the WTD61 then
We don’t currently have cluster munitions on any aircraft or the MW-1 on any Tornado currently. However if these munitions ever come to the game, the situation for them can of course be re-evaluated.
If it can be proven to be an IDS and not an ECR, a report is more than welcome for investigation :)
According to the 98+77 number it should be an IDS, and also having Guns should be enough evidence be tobsay its an IDS
The presence of cannons should be enough to confirm it’s an IDS
Does also raise the question. Whats wrong with making the Tornado WTD61 the ECR version instead of the IDS?
Unless im mistaken, the main difference in the internal guns. Just remove the guns. Not exactly a dogfighter either way. (I rarely, if ever use them on the Gr1) If it means it could get guided weapons, im sure anyone and everyone would be happy to make that trade and would dramatically increase the value of the aircraft. (would also make it more unique)
The key differences between the IDS and ECR is the removal of the Mauser cannons. Under the fuselage, a IRLS (infra red line scanner) and FLIR (forward looking infra red) sensor have been added. Not shown are the ELS sensors that are fitted in the wing glove and the forward fuselage. On the ECR the black panel on the wing glove is much larger than the IDS. The image above shows the IDS and changes to the ECR are highlighted below in red. - Variants
So based upon that, the only other thing would be adding the FLIR.
Indeed, although likely an ASSTA mod or later too. So it would also be best to confirm exactly which rather than speculate or guess.
Guided weaponry does of course mean the BR is subject to an increase. Which is another important consideration the developers have in mind. However as we said, suggestions via historical reports can of course be made and submitted for consideration.
Of course, it would likely join the rest of the Tornado IDS at 11.3 and would just be a premium C&P of the TT version. That was what was expected and for a time, it was leaked that it would be a Gr1 C&P from Saudi Arabia for Britain.
The issue is, is that at 11.0, Unguided weapons (especially those available on the WTD, with the missing CBUs) is unforutunately, insuffecient for GRB a lot of the time. Meaning that the aircraft holds limited value for anyone in that gamemode. The overall issues pertaining to interdictors/strike aircraft at higher tiers (made extremely apparent following the F-111) means its value in air modes is also questionable.
At the moment, the WTD61 only holds value for thsoe like myself who play ASB, where guided weapons arent needed and you can actually use the Tornado IDS as it was intended (and actually help the team)
So there are several possible solutions to the WTD61s situation.
The 2 that immediately come to mind then are:
- Convert to the ECR variant and add guided weapons at 11.3
- Remove 9Ls and repalce with 9Gs and lower the BR.