Panavia Tornado (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

Yeah, at a minimum it could recieve a greatly increased set of unguided weapons. Like the other Tornados, CBUs were probably a major part of its arsenal, whilst guided weapons were a later addition, especially after Desert Storm and so some might lack this capability. (That doesnt also factor in the fact that all Tornados are lacking a great deal of their defensive capabilities)

The WTD even without guided weapons could be made into an effective CAS aircraft, but in its current state it only appeals to those who play SB (I myself am semi-interested in it, because it would be one hell of an SL farmer for SB, as guided weapons are rarely of use and the lower BR is handy)

speaking of… gaijin… where is my MW-1?


Precisely. Whilst i’d hate for that to be locked behind a pay-wall. Its inclusion on both German Tornados (I could maybe see the MFG not getting it) would greatly enhance the aircrafts appeal

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Su-27 pings as MiG29 because its radar currently is copy of MiG29 radar

Ah, that would explain it.

Not even Russian bias can stop whatever the hell happened to this update.

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Just got killed in a head on joust by a Mig 23 because my radar was somehow unable to lock a fully front aspect Mig 23 from 10KM RANGE AGAINST CLEAR SKY.

bruh, because missing 2G of instantaneous pull wasn’t enough already…


Yeah not fun. This patch has just killed aircraft like the F3 that rely on fox 1 jousting to get kills.

To be fair the Mig 23 is literally the bane of your existence in an F3. Faster, infinitely more manoeuvrable and R24s are still lethal.

@Gunjob I understand the devs work hard to make this game despite what people say but the tornado has held title of worst FM amongst top tier for a year now. Is the slat change actually happening or is it just wishful thinking at this point?

Is there also any hard data on the supersonic acceleration of the F3? Seems like nothing has been made clear on what’s actually going on there.


Was actually thinking this myself. I think there are bug reports waiting to be submitted regarding the FM, but no point sending them before. If its never gunna happen then it would be good for the devs to state so, so that bug reports can resume.


Had a thought. If the Tornado F3 ever gets it’s missing cockpit radar symbology. Is the Tornado GR1 also missing some as well for when it locks onto a target with its “radar”?


GR1 is missing an entire air search radar mode but hey-ho. Doubt we’ll see any fixes for a long time at this rate. Would be nice to actually have an instantaneous turn rate though.

I know the radar is 99% missing, but thought that was all to do with the GMR. Got any detailed info/sources on the missing air-to-air radar functionality for it?

Not a British Tornado, or even an ADV; but any way we could use this as reference to squeeze an extra pair of Skyflashes on the Tornado?

Was done as part of development of the launcher for Eurofighter Typhoon AFAIK


Yea, but how do you guide it?

Is that basically sticking a Skyflash where the fuel tanks are?

I’d like to be able to dodge an Aim 54 first.

Before we go using amraams as unguided rockets on IDS.

That is all sorts of cursed

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My guy, you have a problem dodging 54? That is your biggest issue? Im tiered of having a turn raidus of a JUPITER.

Yep, it checks out. British style.

Well it’s an IDS for starters, so no CW illuminator in the radar. But I assume you’re talking about doing it on the F.3. I think the biggest problem there would be whether the aircraft is wired to sent the information that the missiles needs pre-launch to those pylons. I would suspect not.