Panavia Tornado (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

would be much more capable with a NEZ indicator (:

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based on SuperTEMP

Hallelujah! I remember us not really having info on which version the active Skyflash was based on so this is fantastic

Indeed, my suggestion has everything needed to model it.


Currently grinding the event in the Tornado Gr1 and you can really feel the lack of CMs when you are trying to evade Su-27s. Any news on BOL?

You poor man, why would you subject yourself to that? I’m using the premium lightning to rocket bases and kill players.

I like the Tornado Gr1 (just wish they’d finish it) and with the right tactics in SB, you can do entire sorties without seeing anyone.just need to find the right lobby.

I did consider doing it in the lightning, Buc or Jag. But they aren’t as easy to fly. And you get a score bonus for using a rank 8

Aye they’re not supposed to, but sometimes I’ve noticed even when they’re afterburning it’ll still go for flares

If they would give me the chaff we are meant to have I would be sitting at the edge of space in it and bombing bases.

Yeah, had that a number of times last night. SRAAMs have better flare resistance at times

Yep, even the 2x BOL would be enough to make a massive difference to the Tornado. But the full missing 1200 chaff from the Boz or 600 chaff and Sky Shadow. You could actually be really hard to kill

Just activate flare release and focus on bombing, what a dream. Shame it will never come to pass.

Unfortunately, probably not. Well, not until soviets get the Su24 or something at which point. Just like spall liners. It will be instantly fixed


Gunjob could you take a look at the linked comment, he linked multiple pictures of the WTD being able to carry GBUS, in the first place the WTD ( Wehrtechnische Dienststelle für Luftfahrzeuge und Luftfahrtgerät der Bundeswehr ,Military technical department for aircraft and aviation equipment of the Bundeswehr)
branch is the testing branch for german tornados and would have tested the newest armaments . There is even 2 pictures that i will post here as well which literaly are the same skin as the one in game with targeting pod and gbus
Answering your concerns regarding spall liners, MBTs and Aircraft - #576 by dotEXCEL


Got a bug report for the Tornado (I think)

Last few days i’ve had the Su-27 ping as M29 on the RWR. I think this was/is the same in the Gripen, but would need to go do a match to confirm. But in the meantime, defo on the Tornado Gr1 with game log attached

My interpretation was not that the WTD couldnt be equipped with guided weapons but that Gaijin specifically chose to add a Premium Tornado that lacked guided weapons. Why? I have no idea, it would have been an ideal premium CAS and probably would have sold quite well. If the WTD does turn out to not have the ability to carry any guided weapons at all, then its strange they chose to add it in the first place. Unlike Italy and Britain with a more limited pool of Tornados to chose from, Germany had quite a few.

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left those out from posting here, because they dont show the exact same tornado and gajin is gonna deny it for that reason because it is a different one

im pretty sure gaijin did zero research on what the WTD61 is and what they actually do…


fair, but you also have a pic of the tornado with an IRIS-T on the wing :D

still looks like the same tornado as in the game to me xD In the first place IRIS-T is aim 9l rail compatible, it is reasonable that they tested it with an older model