Target was cold and manoeuvring which is a dice roll in WT if it will track properly. It also looks like since you’re in Pulse Lock (TRK) at the time, you can see your Skyflash aiming reticule after you’ve shot is aiming at the chaff the target dropped and isn’t centred on the actual target.
Cold target, manoeuvring with chaff, zero chance that Skyflash is going to hit.
Partially that’s because the ability to account for leading (Hot) / receding (Cold) / abeam edge targeting isn’t implemented in WT, I’m not sure if the Tornado had something similar IRL, but a number of aircraft have such a capability which should let it ignore chaff by using an edge of the returns as the reference not the centroid, for the radar’s array alignment.
And is further compounded by the static RCS values among various other simplifications that currently exist.
That does seem to explain some of the issues I’ve been having, looks like im not the only one experiencing missiles doing things not intended. Just had one chasing a Tornado IDS on full reheat.
had a 9L decide to crash into the sea.
(main missile confused about is the one fired at 0:45 seconds)
Does explain some of the behaviour I’ve seen recently. Either that or the F-14 behind me also firing missiles at the IDS was resulting in my 9Ls going for his missiles instead of the reheating IDS. Though if that is the case, then 9Ls are in even worse condition than I thought.
Yep, some kind of server D-sync when the match length gets really long. At least thats what people reckon on the thread. One of those “will never be seen in RB and thus never noticed” bugs
@Morvran I happened to see a Reddit post today where several people are saying they have noticed that as the match goes on (typically past an hour or so) missile performance decreases until they start doing really stupid things. It may just be confirmation bias in the comments, but if it’s true then that may explain why it affects you more than others (as air RB matches tend to be short in comparison to SB matches). @Gunjob are there any reports in about this?
Yep, I have no doubt im making mistakes. and I have no doubt I have a lot to learn, basically haven’t touch a BVR carrier since the FGR2 and that was well before the Gr7 was added and not really touched the F3 since it was added. But it does feel a little more than just, im making mistakes. Because there isnt any consistancy
No CLOG with ingame screenshots to go with it. Until that information is added by the OP or a new one is raised it will just be rejected if I forward it.
Seen clips with it more centrally located. If that is where its suppose to be, is this a bug? or is there some setting i’ve missed? None of my control imputs have any effect on its vertical position and it starts like that.
There is the square, the vertical scan, and the off-bore vertical scan mode. This would allow the Tornado to pre-emptively lock people as it is turning to prepare missiles sooner or to potentially fire ordinance such as ASRAAM off-bore without a helmet mounted sight if necessary.