Panavia Tornado (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

As I’ve said to you before, full coverage you need two as the fuselage can obscure some of the sensors.

Missed that in your response earlier, thanks

Bug report for missing Brimstones on the wing pylons: Community Bug Reporting System


some good news, the launch sector limit for brimstone is completely irrelevant, you can fire outside of it and the missile will follow INS until it can see the laser.

some bad news, the range limit is legit, but that’s because of the 60s guide time. The limit is dynamic, so the range limit can vary depending on the launch situation.

the missiles do seem to have quite a low g-limit, so they’ll likely struggle against planes.

I’ll edit this after an ARB match with some more detail.

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@ITsBlueViper will disagree with you on that one

Lets give this a go, see if we can get it down to 12.0

Let me know if anyone has a suggestion for improvement for this argument.



(The Launch Limit is N/A as it’s not defined in the file, but it seems there is a limit in place. I assume it’s using the 45 degree limit of the seeker.)

The video below is in sensor view, so you can see the stats of the missiles I fire. They definitely exceed 450m/s, so no need to worry about statcard speed. They do seem to lose speed quite quickly though.


The match is basically humans v bots so it seemed a good chance to just mess around

Whats the T-pod resolution like? How are Brimstone when they actually hit

T-Pod is Lite II (Should be IIIA) and the Brim’s are just fat hellfires so they’re fine.

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Sadly ripple firing makes them all arrive at once thanks to speed bleed and stuff.

It does have some cool potential for sneaky attacks though, you can pop up and set target point on something, then dip down and reposition. You can fire from behind cover cause the target point is remembered and the missile lofts. Then you pop up a few seconds before the missile will land for the final lase (assuming it’s a fairly stationary target).


As I tried out here:

The Brimstone also has less INS drift than the Hellfire, 2 vs 3.5 I think

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What resolution should it be?

Currently it seems to be about the same as TIALD

Litening II is Gen 2 thermals (Which is what TIALD should be) with better zoom over TIALD.
Litening III is Gen 3 with better zoom again

Anyone know if the Missing Hindenburg tanks have actually been reported for the remaining Tornados, including the Tornado Gr4?

I’ve found one by John for the Gr1, but never got forwarded

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seeing as we know the GR.4 can use the brimstone racks on the wings, is there any chance of using this to increase paveway carriage on it? assuming the caption is correct ofc (Brimstone Guided Missile - Think Defence)

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Brimstones are meant to have a range greater than about 13-14km right?

In test flight, when fired at 20km, they self destruct about 7ish KM from the target. Is this due to an incorrect speed or is this a guidance time issue. I hope its the former, becaues 70+ seconds to guide the missile beyond the range of most SPAA is rather brutal.

Also… They may be controversial… for the intended role, but brimstones might actually be an effective A2A weapon

potentially both, good luck getting solid/official data on the range and motor. Increasing the missile lifetime would be nice though.

what on Earth makes you say that?

Yeah, I imagine, but yeah, just needs another 20 seconds I reckon

messing around in test flight. Especially if they are too slow. Vs an evading target, might be a different story, but they certainly wouldnt be affected by flares.

Brimstones also appear to loft quite well when fired at low alt, which does look pretty, even if firing them like this is a bit of a waste except when taking out a single target like a Pantsir



My god, its beautiful… you got any videos of it against ground? I cant access the dev rn and would love to see them work (if they do lol, i heard they have a 60 second timer).

Im hoping the timer is just a copy over from the hellfire as it seems its labeled as N/A in the files so it might have defaulted to hellfire time… Hopefully.