Panavia Tornado (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

Likely just uses the SEAM function of Sidewinder, I can’t see a good reason why the Striker would only work with the TGP and not Sidewinders on GR4 when that’s how it worked in Jag (both TGP and Sidewinder worked for queuing.)

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I was talking about it on Tornado F.3 not GR4.


Yeah the day I have a 2000’s manual for GR4 will be a good day but it is not in my collection as it stands. (not through lack of trying)

So Gr4 does have full HMS?

Everything I’ve read and heard suggested it never did. Unless that was just confusion between the F3 and GR4


So it can guide AAMS?



Terma pod and brimstones, certainly a great toy for you guys

still sad about the brimstones, they should make them require a lock from the targeting pod.
Keeping the laster constantly will be a pain in the ***

Honestly they made f&f missles already able to reaquire locks after smokes and beam riding missles ingore smoke as well, i dont see that big of a problem

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@Gunjob did brimstone 3s have dual mode as well?

Brimstone dual mode and Brimstone 2 have it, I’d imagine that was carried forward with 3.

SAL mode is needed Irl for targets with little to no RCS and static targets.

litening III is gen 3 right?

so we dont know?

if they didnt well screw germany i guess since brimstone 3s will never be added

still not fan of the unfair treatment , should just make it fnf based on spikes and pars 3

other countries being able to shoot 6 fnf missles at a time is an unfair advantage compared to being stuck to 1…


Nahh I’m not a fan of inventing modes, SAL is an option for Brimstone and we’ve got it. It’s historical and balanced by existing mechanics.


yes and no. standalone its balanced
but not fair and or balanced compared to f16cs with 6 fnf mavericks
specialy if its the only standoff missle multiple european nations will get access to

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Both can be smoked away. You will be able to fire Brimstone further out than maverick.

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Depending on the BR the GR.4 will sit at I might enjoy it more than the F.3

With Unlimited countermeasures and HMD it could be some good fun running round the map being immune to missiles with auto drops and flinging irccm missiles at ppl.

Not meta but could be some good fun

if it would only be the mavericks, KH38s etc
as it stands european capability gets nerfed immensly trough this
and i have to see it trough germany
or CAS capability is restricted as it is
trough this even more so

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There is no way to balance the ARH mode right now. It was this or nothing. I’ll take this over nothing any day of the week.


while yes should just have made them like pars 3 or spike ers, in my view this would be a better representation

as it stands its just sad for me honestly