Panavia Tornado (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

Yeah the search mode is missing in game.


In fairness we only worked out it existed a while after the Tornado was added to the game, and we only found any details on it fairly recently. There is very little mention of it online or in books. The primary purpose of the radar was ground mapping.

Ah understandable. Still should be added though

There is a flight manual which may or may not say that there is an air-to-air search mode

NOTE: Unclassified page

Considering I got confirmation the Italian Typhoon DA.7 and trainer manuals were absolutely not okay. I seriously doubt this one is good to use, which is a shame as a modern IDS/GR manual would be really nice to have.


We just gotta wait 23 years before it gets declassified, no worries ^^

did the UK use RecceLite?

No. We had RAPTOR instead

The old U2 in a pod Ahaha.

Its not useable though. Luckily I managed to find some reports in the National Archives which describe the air-to-air search modes performance, so it’s been reported now.


Anyone else finding that AIM120B on the Tornado is just incredibly weak right now?
Gaijin have made even low energy targets stalling out that would die to a Skyflash…Just chaff and spook the missiles?

The 120 used to be great but now they seem to just miss and we are seeing more kills with guns! The R-77 and Chinese missiles seem very hard to defeat

Theoretically, could you hit a plane with brimstone? Just a thought for when the GR4 comes.

In theory, yes. In practice, maybe?


Good enough for me lmfao

I’ve had this crazy sequence event in my head for a while if Torando IDS get air to air search radar.

Currently with helis, the gunner sight/tpod will lock onto the current radar lock.


Lock onto an aircraft with radar > t-pod locks onto radar lock > fire brimstone


Unlikely sequence of events, but in Bug Thunder… anything is possible


Ooh that would be lovely

Definitely. It all depends on engagement parameters, the same way you can hit a plane with mavericks or hellfires.

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A plane? probably not

A helicopter? for sure