Panavia Tornado (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

Did we see if any of the the older Tornados getting the big jugs or is it exclusive to the F.3 late?

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oh lordy

I disagree with smaller teams the Phantom can do work and now you dont have to follow your missiles in.
Gaijin can also give them IRIS-T as they were a test bed.

there is no way your going to grind the new jets with the Tornado? your mad.

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This is Gunjob, the only lad who could get 10/16 kills in that thing and still go “eh, could’ve got 11”

i think ill be sticking with my premium lightning (especially after the red top buffs, and they are most certainly buffs). and the buccaneer as i have a load of modules ready to go to get that sweat sweat spading bonus. think i have around 120k in rp just waiting to be chucked into the tornado or shar. only question is is what to grind first.

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Oh yeah, Red Tops are very, very funny in the side aspect now ahah

Need to figure out what I’m doing but I suspect it’ll be finish the Gripen grind, and maybe FGR.2 or SHAR FRS.1? Maybe god forbid, Bucc S.2B?

Didnt see anything in the Dev stream. But I am hoping for at mininum radar symbology, but hopefully they’ve finished the FM.

Also the splits CMs that were seen in the dev stream should mean we get our 1200 chaff, but no idea if they are just splitting the CMs or actually adding assymetrical CM counts

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i may be the only guy loving the buc, i wish it had better ground ordinance as the martels are heavily gimped, but it is a dream to fly in sim. been dog fighting f104s and such which think they are invulnerable in sim, i show them otherwise. but i think ill give the shar a go, as its a slightly lower br than the tornado and im not ready to grind the modules on the tornado just yet. i still have PTSD from doing it for the F.3.

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oh god yeah, i hope the symbology has been finally added as its still awkward in sim to acquire targets.

I have Buc S2B, Sea Harrier FRS1e, Jaguar IS, Javelin and working on the Jaguar Gr1 and maybe the Harrier Gr3 ready in a pre-spaded state ready for all that juicy spade bonus. Thinking FA2 first, just because its lower and a bit more unique (also prolongs the brutality that will be the F3 AOP stock grind)

But its going to be a tough call which to do first

Yeah, with ARH, its going to be even worse, though AMRAAM should be able to queue up on TWS, so no longer need to swap to Aim-9 first and then quickly back. But heres hoping

im just happy for anything other the a sky flash, it is so terrible that whenever i go from my ej kai back to the tornado i cry, both the same br and yet i would rather fly a phantom without the agile eagle kit to the tornado just because i can actually survive in it.

Sometimes Skyslug STs are great, other times they are god aweful and I have no idea what changes. It feels… Random

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at alt they seem fine but any where bellow 2km they just love to swerve the enemy as if they looked away from them in disgust. i mean i would to after being forcibly launched from a beauty such as the tornado F.3.

Hehe, yeah, I had one do a 90 degree turn to dodge a target the other day, was totally confused

Missed opportunity not making the default camo for the F.3 Late added in the “Seek and Destroy” update, the F.3’s No.41 Squadron livery



haven’t checked the dev server yet but the change log doesn’t mention Tornado FM

from what i heared, we didnt get our 1200 chaff either

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All I saw was this

  • Incorrect interpolation of aerodynamic coefficients in intermediate wing positions for aircraft with variable sweep wings has been corrected.