Panavia Tornado (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

Yea i just realised the white covers at the back of the bombs. Now that i looked for them i noticed them.

Soo, as of now we leave SALH PGMs alone, right?

New Tornado IDS for Italy, Yeah I’m looking forward Tornado A200C for itaty tech tree someday. but not sure located after Tornado IDS (1995) or AV-8B Plus.

i mean, thats just the equivalent to the GR 4 and ASSTA 3.1 aint it?

I went through hundreds of airshow pictures to confirm it haha.


I might believe guided Air-to-Ground munitions on Tornado A200C MLU from Aeronautica Militare Italiana (AMI) equivalent Tornado GR.4 (RAF) and Tornado IDS 3.1 & Tornado IDS SLE (Luftwaffe) except within visual range (WVR) IR AAM

IIRC the windshield is jettisoned on terminal approach to expose the seeker


It was mainly due to a mistake of One member of the Italian community

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@Godvana i just saw your report. Good luck with it, but i dont think it will go far :/

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Neither do I, but I figured it’s worth a try xD

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Update on the combat power for F.3/ADV, after discussing it with the devs the answer is “Not now but maybe in the future”.


Remember the installed combat there appears to be 16,500lbf

So the Mig-21 doesnt need a nerf bug report?

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And when the sustained turn gets nerfed, maybe we’ll have a reason to ask for the MK106 engine…

Yep, good luck. Italy would probably be fine without, but its mostly Germany that needs it. Im kinda surprised they didnt just get it for “gameplay balancing” reasons

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16500lbf in the source is without combat and the 5% is on top of that.


Tactics manual gives 16,500lbf for combat thrust… which can only be installed given its smaller…

Might be getting my numbers mixed up then, it’s been a long day. In game it’s 7300kgf combat would be 5% on top of that.