Panavia Tornado (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

Yea, sadly most things i get while looking for it are



Still im going for the IIR version as of now

could we stop looking at nice toys german tornados wont get

Jokes aside

Man i hope brimstone typhoons arrive soon lol.

German tornados lacking any kind of stand off weaponry makes it realy hard, our best option would be glide bombs, which effectiveness is sketchy and questionable if they will even be implemented

Or Taurus /Storm Shadows but thats a whole other issue

The IIR seeker on Storm Shadow is behind an opaque windshield, so for that variant at least there could be a similar setup

No idea if it’s jettisoned in the terminal phase or just an IR-transparent material like silicone.

So @Gunjob should add laser to the report or IIR only?


I found this in an old MBDA press kit from 2003. You think it would be enough to get PGM added to German and Italian Tornados? 🥺


Can you drop me cover/link/front page for that? i would like to use it as a proof for tornado PGM

Here you go, it’s got quite a lot of interesting info in it.


Here it is

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The HOSBO Glidebomb would be an option for the german Tornados

i mean, it has been certified for tornados which we already now, but nothing about italy or germany testing them.

That being said it mentions laser as well, so that might help devil in his endeavour

which i mentioned in the same post u answered to xD

Bruh, I am blind it seems. Sorry

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They don’t have to be tested. For Gaijin the possibility of the PGM sitting next to an Italian Tornado at an air show was enough to get it added. Wasn’t even attached to the pylon.

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but they didnt add it to the italian ones because it wasnt enough didnt they

Nah they didn’t add it because it wasn’t actually PGM. Idk whether it was someone trying to pass off the image as a PGM or if it was a genuine mistake, but either way they were going to add it.

@Gunjob do u remember what the issue was for pgms at the italian tornado?

Thanks @Gunjob for passing it

The bomb that was claimed to be a PGM was not it

Now that i look at it, they are not pictures from the same moment, maybe even different palce

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what was it then?