Panavia Tornado (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

Actual sea level top speed irl and in game is around M1.17 for a 60% Heavy combat load

Would that include the drop tanks? And do we have graphs for loads without anything on. As I would understand Mach 1.17 with max fuel and max missiles but 1.16 seems to be a hard cap even without anything on until it hits a specific fuel load then it starts to accelerate again.

That’s for a full missile load

From the looks of the chart, without any missiles, at max fuel load the top speed on the deck should be 1.20. With max fuel and missiles it should be 1.17. Do you know what it means when it has the 3 different charts with each being 1g, 4g and 7g?

Specific Excess Power (PS)
Measured in feet per minute or feet per second, it represents rate of energy change—the ability of an airplane to climb or accelerate from a given flight condition.

Then its measured at various G loadings. For example;
Here we have a 4G turn, at 10,000ft and mach ~0.95, this chart shows for that turn we will have 0ft/s. Meaning we can sustain a 4G turn at 10,000ft at mach ~0.95 without losing or gaining altitude to sustain the turn.

If we attempt the same speed and altitude but this time at 7G you can see we’re going to being losing around 1400ft/s in order to sustain the turn;

And at 1G (no turning just earths gravity) acceleration stops at around mach 1.17 @ SL and to hit mach 1.2 @ SL you would need to give up 100ft/s of altitude;


I thought tornado had all-aspect PD mode?

When they say all-aspect PD they mean MPRF. Tornado is LPRF and HPRF only. While its HPRF mode is very capable in all-aspect it isn’t MPRF.

Ah… Thank you

It’s a shame they removed that. I liked that on the F3

Not too mention it was historically accurate

Yeah I was sad to see it go, but too many players literally only use ACM and explaining to them the nuances of the Auto function was pretty fruitless.

Should have been changed to a setting that can be toggled on and off, instead of removing it entirely.

Was also really good for the Phantoms as well.

What was the problem people were having if you don’t mind explaining one more time. I didn’t find much trouble with it.

ACM AUT, will alternate between PRFs. More often than not the target will be seen in LPRF first, LPRF is vulnerable to chaff. Especially if the target is already chaffing.

So rather than using a search mode where the starting PRF is one of your choosing a large portion of the player base just uses ACM.

What is still present is post lock automatic PRF management. So even now if they get a track in ACM in MPRF or HPRF it can still transfer to LPRF when the target is no longer detected in the former PRFs.

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Its probably that under pressure manually manipulating the radar is time consuming and hard to get right quickly if you get more than one return, or get interrupted by a missile launch or spurious track.

For example, envisage an F-8E attempting to employ the AIM-9C against a MiG-23ML / MiG-21Bis from a forward aspect, the closure rate(Vc ~2Mach leads is about 600 meters per second so about ~1.5 seconds per kilometer) can easily lead to you only having a few attempts to get things right in order to get the missile off the rail in time.

To do it manually (The F-8E also happens to erroneously lack an ACM mode(Automatic Range Only), which been reported for going on 9~10 months now, which seems to have gone missing or the Search function on the issues portal has become much less useful) you have to;

  • Turn the radar on.

  • Allow the radar to scan (adjusting the search volume to increase the polling rate can help).

  • Cycle Targets / slew Target Designator as needed to select a radar return.

  • Attempt to lock-on to the return

  • Verify that the target has been locked on

    • If it has not locked onto the correct return; break track, and reset the radar and attempt the procedure again.
  • You have to manage to do this in as little time as possible to provide the optimal employment window for the missile since it takes two seconds to warm up, which loses a kilometer off the range.

  • Then launch when the time as early as possible to give the missile the best chance to succeed

This of course could be complicated by an R-60M or R-24T launch which need to be dealt with and so interrupt the process.

Compared to if it had an ACM mode (as it should);

  • Put the radar into ACM mode, which can be achieved from a cold set though the use of the lock-on key bind. (one step instead of four)

  • Point nose at target & airframe roll both can also be adjusted slightly to remove unwanted contacts.

    • If needed, wait for range to close or reset track if spurious track is acquired.
  • Verify target track

  • Missile seeker on.

  • Launch when in range.

Uh… Guys…

Since when did the Tornado WTD61 and Tornado MFG have a search radar and why is it not been added to the other 3?

Screenshot 2024-04-04 210856

Edit: might just have gotten a C&P of the naval radar from the MFG, doesnt seem to lock onto target drones

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it is the ship radar

So should our be. But well.

Yeah, just wierd it has “BVR Mode” listed and wierd why the WTD61 has been given it at all.

Probably used the MFG as a basis.

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Never noticed it before. So I wonder if its been in since the WTD61 was added, or if it was a recent change (intended or not).

ASMs could be a good way to give more value to the WTD61

I’m not sure about the f4s but it does so better than the base phantoms at least, although that’s not saying much. From what I’ve seen it’s still missing a g or 2 (depending on the speed).