Panavia Tornado (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

i mean i played the F4EJ and EJ Kai recently ( just got done grinding japan air) and they are massively better than it from what i can tell, which considering the F4EJ/EJ Kai is known for being a pretty bad dogfighter i was at least able to reverse Mig-23s and attempt to fight back, in the Tornado i might aswell be in a fucking maus with stabilisers for all it matters lmao.

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If you are trying to dogfight a Tornado, you’ve already died. You have the best radar at that BR by far. Stay out of the furball and punish anyone who dares try and climb above 300ft with Skyflash STs. Easily get quite a few kills using that tactic.

But that being said. F3 is certainly awaiting plenty of buffs

  • De-Chirped 9ls
  • BOL buffs
  • PHC
  • Completed Flight model

Also some general improvments to radar controls would help too (Specifically the ability to angle the radar up and down whilst in relative radar mode would be a huge boost for the aircraft)


im aware of how to play it. my issue is the fact that if anything that was designed as to fly with more conviction than a glider gets on your 6 your completely out of options from the get go.


I love the ej Kai, let’s me use actually good sarh missiles. I love the 7fs.

The most fun I have in a tornado is in my gr 1 with 2 9ls and my hands. I can reverse f14s and in it just because they don’t expect you to turn so well at low speeds. The combat flaps are a huge factor in that so I am really looking forward to the fixes they finally get to implementing in 10 years time.

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Yeah, tornado is gunna be great. Also with 1200 more chaff and hopefully 11.0 next update

I feel u my guy, I’m regularly getting slammed by aim 54s and sometimes Aim9Es! Stuff that even the FGR2 could dodge, ppl dont complain about the hardwing phantoms like the EJ or FGR cuz they dont turn so bad that its a hinderance to gameplay. Your just plain bad if u try to stick a fight with an f16 but at least you can point your nose to a target and get a shot in. unfortunately we have to live with it at least for the next century or so before the FM can be improved.


Aim-9Es are probably to blame the massive BOL nerfs we got a couple of months ago. Should be better if/when they fix BOL

Tiny CM, you say? :)

To be honest its unfair when ppl go “its an IntErCept0r” or “just don’t dogfight” cuz if you wanna make the plane work and have maximum game presence then you’re forced to dogfight ppl. Honestly you can get some good results in dogfights at its BR if you know how to set up a fight to where the enemy has to bleed more speed, just put the combat flaps down and wait for ppl to stall out.

Its only game over if someone starts on your Six cuz you can’t accellerate over mach and you don’t have the instantaneous turn for a reversal kill.

Corrections more like. They should not have been nerfed to begin with because historical.


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Can I jump in and say while you definitely shouldn’t be dogfighting, it’s not impossible to win. However it’s a desperate measure and should be avoided at all costs, especially in 1v1s.

Oh yeah, ive emberrased more than a few in either the F3 or Gr1 before. I remember notably some how managing to win a turn fight against a Mig-23ML in the Tornado Gr1. And he started on my tail

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Think i’ve punished a couple of Mirage 2000 players in a custom once.

Apparently M2K pilots hate fighting the F3s in SB at the moment, because the F3s just out run them and out-stick them

That must be a lie. Mirage 2000 can fly 1512 kph on sea level using only 102% WEP.

Not feasibly impossible? M2K pilot could I suppose be stock and maybe not on AB.

No one plays the Tornado in SB and if someone does then they perform so poorly that they quit soon after joining the EC battle and to be honest the plane should be moved to 11.0 or 11.3 there.
M2K right now is one of the best planes in its bracket (10.7-11.3 and 11.0-11.7), both the D-R1 and S4/S5 versions.
I haven’t seen a single Tornado using their max speed to get away, most of people really don’t want to push the plane that hard into the red line speed.

I do, quite a bit, now it can play downtier.
Quite easily steam roll anything I encounter. It’s awesome, maybe even a tad on the OP side of things. I’ve legged it from a 2k before, it’s easy to do