Panavia Tornado (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

Can you record that please? I need a video of them workign with wings in full sweep.

It’s nice seeing the f111 have a little fun but it is depressing when they can actually tussle more than the tornados while actually having the speed to run away while at a lower br. What I would do for a tornado at anything bellow 11.3 as it’s just a hell hole that I don’t even touch anymore. Haven’t flown out my tornado since they added 9ms and for good reason.

To be honest the F111 was what I expected the Tornado to be like, fast with average manoeuvrability. The Tornado will beat it in a sustained turn but that’s only cuz it doesn’t pull any alpha to bleed speed.

Call me crazy but I do prefer the Tornado FM to the Vark purely because the speed bleed is insane and leaves you vulnerable. But at least you can do something well and just run away from everyone.


Just for a fun example of just how broken the Tornado’s FM is.

I got 1 light orange elevator’s worth of battle damage and I could no longer turn the aicraft at all, the rudder was more useful.


Yeah a mig 29 with a black elevator turns about the same lmao.

I wouldn’t mind if every fighter at the tornados br will kill it in the one circle every time. I never get a chance to rate fight anyone.

Been like that since the start, same with the sea vixen, same with the jag, same with the t2. A yellow elevator will stop you from pulling more than 1 g. A missing elevator from one side will do the same. Makes for dog shit balancing when your guns can damage a tail and the enemy is fine but for you it’s a death sentence.

Though did somehow land a Buc with no flaps/ailerons. Using only yaw to steer the aircraft 🤣


Same, it’s not supposed to do that. But it also shouldn’t be as bricky as it is.

No one complains about the F104 losing a one circle to a phantom because that how it’s supposed to be. If it was the other way round then we’d have a problem.

I shouldn’t die in a one circle against an F111 in my tornado lmao


Try and tell that to gaijin. Cuz aparently an aircraft unable to pull more than 3GS with payload irl can put turn us.

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It also really doesn’t help that you have to haul 2x BOZ pods and all that weight/drag, but for basically no benefit. 1200 chaff would make it worth it, whilst still having 56 flares (that I think are underperforming)

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Still waiting on them to accept the boz pods for the 9l rails. Would go a long way to help us become usable other than just hugging the deck and getting chased in seconds.

Yeah I agree it’s so frustrating having to sacrifice already crap performance for a measly amount of countermeasures.

Yeah, 2x BOL would mean we could ditch the BOZ for now, for 6x the amount of CMs for reduced drag and weight

that is correct, my bad
ASSTA 3.1 Testbed

I’m guessing the later ASSTA’s combine the MFG, IDS and ECR onto the same common upgrade? Or am I wrong?

yeah basically. even IDS these days carry jammer pods and ARMs

also here

a bit on 3.1

here an IDS with AGM-88s

Can the statcard actually be trusted on the SUPERTEMP’s speed? I know it says 4.4M which indicates it’s a pretty fast missile but I just had an engagement with a Mig 23 where we fired at the same time at high altitude and our missiles arrived at the same time despite me heavily cranking twice and him flying dead straight.

After playing the ej Kai with the 7fs I can safely say the super temp is one of the worst sarh missiles I’ve had the displeasure of using at top tier. I prefer the dog fights over them on the gripen as I can at least head on people with them and get hits. They really need to buff the super temps to actualy track and reach their top speed.

Or even reduce their drag maybe as it’s a running theme of British missiles having exceedingly high drag.

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But the STemp are based on DF ones, they are just bigger and have a sustainer.