Panavia Tornado (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

Thanks. Now that is some material you got there.

Indeed, cost me a few hundred to get copies.



So that is either a Device that detect and uses the ground based laser designstion, or works as a lrf, if i understand that correctly. That could be a nice thing to be added. When you place the red square (point of interest) it could give you the distance to that point, for example over the square, without the tpod.

Yes the MTS isn’t of any use to us in game as we don’t have buddy lasing. But the LRF is modelled in that its part of the CCIP/CCRP systems.

If you switch to cockpit you can see the ranging circle HUD symbology when carrying bombs and having them selected.

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that thing?
or that
Yea the second one


What is the clock thingy then?
I cant figure out what it does. It does somethng with the guns but im not sure what
The R is altitude in feets but the clock?



Thank you for taking time out of your day to explain it to me

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@Gunjob If you ever do a gofundme, I’ll happily chuck some beer tokens your way. Working hard for competitive (or at least vaguely accurate) British aircraft and vehicles is a worthy cause…


I have a buy me coffee account if you look in the description of my youtube videos :).


Have you considered British TT consultant? There’s certainly the support for it, I know there’s a whole convoluted process but I got asked on reddit from one of your fan posts if I had considered making a poll for that. But equally its likely more unpaid work for you and there’s no point me making one if you have no interest in the position.

Then finally there’s naturally no mandate Gaijin actions such a poll.


I second this but only if you want to do it. We the people do not want to put so much responsibility on your shoulders unless you are ok with it.

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Pretty much my train of thought, particularly with what happened with the Chinese consultant and the mod who got doxxed, I have no desire to pressure Gunjob into a position he may prefer to avoid, particularly as he already does so much for the projects of all nations in-game but particularly Britain.

However if he is interested i’d happily make the post and advertise it on reddit too.

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I never asked what is the Tornado lacking? I don’t care about GMR for now but what’s the deal with the “80%” remark?

Well biggest thing propably is the ground radar which is only implemented on the SU 39, besides that debatable if the radar has A2A detection abilities as well

Then it is missing Countermeasures a whole lot, the pods each would have like 500 chaffs and 24 flares (wild number out of my head but shows the point)
You can argue in the same measure missing ECM as well

Besides that our most favourite Dispenser weapons propably like the MW1, HARMS and Taurus.

Arguably the Aim 9L should be replaced with the AIM9L(I) variant. Asraam and Iris-T propably are to strong currently.

British tornados have access to brimstones as well

Also slats, something with flight model iirc, engines compressing ect.

yeah that goes into technical stuff i have no idea about

If you wait long enough Morvran will spawn here and give you a list