Panavia Tornado (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

Sorry but i shut down my PC already. I will check in around 8h if that will be of help

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yeah no worries, whenever is good for you is good for me

I will boot up my PC and check it first thing in the morning so i wont forget it before leaving home

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With RB test drive @ ~12,000m altitude, I got it to just short of 2330km/h afterburning in level flight. Then my wings fell off


Climbed to 12km then went into a shallow dive, for a brief and glorious moment I hit 2500km/h, then the wings and the tail all ripped and I lawndarted into the ground.

Unells it got fixed (they did not), lightning does its usual things

im not sure if it gets there faster or no

Just noticed this on the GR1 lmao

……not sure how that’s possible. Considering all those days are automatically calculated I’m assuming it’s due to changes to the jet.

its been like that since its implementation.

Hi guys.
I found this at this morning today.
It looks like throttle possition and throttle power is not matched.
it should matches like under :
MAX DRY = 100% THR
isn’t it?

(I tested in German ASSTA1)

It is like that for god know how long

I take back what I said about the accelleration of the F.3, after lots of back and forth between live and dev its still the same. It still takes minutes to accellerate to its top speed.

Seems I had a sudden rush of copium when playing the first dev server X(

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What is that thing on the Gr1?
It is only on the Gr1 and i cant find anything about it

This on live or on dev


Laser Range and Marked Target Seeker, its for spotting buddy lazing and ranging targets.






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Thanks. Now that is some material you got there.

Indeed, cost me a few hundred to get copies.



So that is either a Device that detect and uses the ground based laser designstion, or works as a lrf, if i understand that correctly. That could be a nice thing to be added. When you place the red square (point of interest) it could give you the distance to that point, for example over the square, without the tpod.