Panavia Tornado Prototype

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Description: The Panavia Tornado was a jet-powered bomber that was developed by a consortium of three countries: Italy, Germany, and the UK. It’s story started back in the seventies when a consortium made up of Italy, Germany, Canada, and the Netherlands started to project a replacement for the F104 in service with those nations called “F-104 Replacement Group,” while the British tried to do it on their own with the BAC TR2 to replace the Camberra and the V bomber series. But the project later failed because it was too costly. The UK also projected various other variable-wing aircraft, but all those projects came to nothing since they were, again, too costly. Later, thanks to the experience gained in those projects, the UK tried to form a consortium with France to make something concrete, but even this possibility fell. Meanwhile, the F-104 Replacement Group came out with a new design called NKF that was projected by the Germans. Inside the group, the project was called MRA-75 (Multy Role Aircraft for 1975). The UK showed a very big interest in this new project that seemed to be in the right direction, and the British joined the project in 1968. While the project started to integrate some of the designs that were made by the British before, some problems started. Both Belgians and Canadians seem not satisfied with the specifications of the aircraft and withdraw from the joint venture.The four remaining members founded a new company dedicated entirely to this new aircraft, called Pan Aviation. In 1969, the same event that happened some years ago happened again: the Dutch left the project because it was too costly for them. Only three members remained, but they knew very clearly what they wanted, and the project went fully ahead. The Italians and the Germans wanted a one-seat version of the aircraft, while the British wanted a two-seat one. In the 1970s, the Germans opted for the two-seat version of the aircraft, and so did the Italians some months later. Regardless of the engine, finally, at the end of 1969, the RB.199-34R that was made by the British industry was chosen over the RB.199-34R that was previously tested on a British Vulcan bomber. The first prototype, the German P01, flew for the first time in 1972. The two Italian prototypes were the P05 and the P09. Italy, being the country that placed the smallest order among the other countries, was also the nation with the smallest number of prototypes (Britain and Germany had around 3 to 4 prototypes). The first Italian prototype, the P05, flew for the first time on December 5, 1975, at the airport of Torino Caselle, while the P09 flew for the first time two years later on February 5, february at the same airport. After the initial flight and test made by the company, the P05 was moved to the Italian Air Force in the Reparto di volo Sperimentale, where it continued its test campaign. It took very serious damage after a crash landing in 1976, and it was capable of returning to the test camp only two years later, in 1978. Only one year later, it was damaged again by an Aim 9B sidewinder launched during a test that, by mistake, hit the aircraft and seriously damaged it. After some years of service with the Italian Air Force and further testing in the weapons department, the aircraft was retired and put in the Italian Air Force school in Caserta alongside a F104S ASA. It’s still here right now. The P09 was mainly used for armament integration and trials. It was the first tornado to launch an AS34 Kormoran anti-surface missile. Like the P05, it was put into service in the Italian Air Force for testing, and it was then retired and put at the Museum of the Italian Air Force of Cameri.

Why it should be in the game: It could be an interesting addition since it will be identical to the Italian alredy in game Tornado but with some difference that could make it a good addition to the Italian TT.



Wings Span: 8.60/13.90 m
Leght: 16.70 m
Height: 5.95 m
Weight: 28000 kg
Propulsion: 2x Turbo Uninion RB199 Mk103
Maximum speed: 2400 km/h
range: 3800 km
Crew: 2 People



2x 27 mm Mauser cannons
Unguided Bombs:
12x MK83 Bombs
12x MK82 Snakeye
12x BL755
12x MK20 Rokeye
12x MK83 AIR
1x MW1
3x CASMU Skyshark
Air To Air Missiles
2x Aim9B
2x Aim9L
Anti Radiation Missiles
4x AGM88B Harm









lb2409 (1)




+1 yes to prototype, good investigation

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Imo it can be added without guided weapons and limited to just aim-9b, would be a perfect rank VII bomber ;)

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It doesn’t have guided weapons, aside skyshark, that Is not represented in game currently

you listed HARMs btw

Well those are represented in game

This could be a squadron vehicle! And certainly +100000!

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Bring on the Skyshark.


Why is it limited to just AIM-9B or AIM-9L? imo seems like that would be hard to balance

Because that’s what the Tornado prototype could carry. (Well in theory it could’ve carried other Sidewinders like the AIM-9P, but it just didn’t.)

well at the time the Italian tornado only used these missiles.

They normally use the “in theory” for stuff like sidewinders (like the German AIM-9Js) so honestly AIM-9B/E/P/L seems like its ok to me

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