Panavia Tornado IDS [All Variants] [All Countries] | History - Weapons - Performance - Discussion

Similar shape but different motor and seeker and warhead

Would only go on the GR4 tornado

Hellfire is either laser guided or in the case of the AGM-114L (which is not in game)designated a target to radar lock before launch.

Brimstone is autonomous. The pilot defines a target area and then ripple fires up to 12 Brimstones the in that general direction. The Brimstones then use their built in radar to scan the target area and identify all the radar targets in the area, they then compared all the radar signatures to an internal database to identify which radar targets are hostile tanks. Each Brimstone will then choose a different tank to engage.

Of course Gaijin may not model all that properly. But even if they just make it an AGM-114L that isn’t in game yet either.


It’s a Hellfire with AGM65D/F/G’s IIR gudiance. Simple. Both concepts are in game so put it on Tornado and be done with it.

no its not and would only go on a Torrnado that isn’t in game yet

Brimstone has a miller meter wave seeker not IR

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Maybe the ASSTA4 if they added that. But I doubt it.

Germany never integrated to there Tornados

I think it’s a “planned capability” for the ASSTA4 that has yet to enter service. So maybe in a few years

@x_Shini might know.

But assuming they only get the ASSTA3.1. then yeah, was never integrated

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Assta 4 is pretty much dead, that was only an idea.

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With the split controls now seemingly planned for the next major update, do we have any reports for adding the tornado’s correct amount of chaff from its pods?

Smin confirmed that is the plan and even said the tor ados are lne of the main reasons

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Words can not explain how irritating it is that the fuel tanks do not change with the camouflage scheme.


Can anyone find any images of the tornado using LR25 rockets?

German Tornado teams are melting like ice in a desert. Just tried to play this WTD61 thing and ended up in a team made off by 50% Tornados. Was over within 5 minutes with almost no losses for the enemy team. The strike versions have no buisiness at the current BR. To big, too slow, just two IR missiles.

Also didn’t AIM-9L now getting spoofed by a single flare. This makes the loadout even more problematic. Just two missiles, which need asleep enemies to actually hit.

Assta1 at BR 11.7? The others at 11.3? Never. These things need a massive RB decrease and an airspawn.

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All other Ger Tornado versions won’t have any additional benefits for War Thunder. At least if Gajin stays with their typical reasoning for Germany. It’ll remain a useless brick with some bombs and thats it.

Other countries might get alot stuff they never used, never had, was never existing. For Germany they can’t even allow to use Maverick triple mounts (cause didn’t bought them). Or flares for the Mig-23BN, which gets so badly Strela’ed that its just useless. For Germany everything needs to be 100% accurate and historically correct. Couldn’t even allow to mount GBU-24 on Nado wing Pylons for whatever reasons. It supports the weight and the heavy weight Pylons are all technically identical. But theres no photo…so no. Its totally ok to mount double 1000 lb bombs, but a 2000lb GBU is obviously a no go.

There won’t be any useful Tornados without PGM500, Mavericks or Brimstones. Laser guided bombs simply don’t work in GRB high tier matches. Tried everything, ASSTA Tornado is useless, gets always Pantsir’ed while trying to use this laser guided nonsene against 20km SAM trucks which won’t even trigger RWR alerts. So you spawn your almost 900 spawn point thing for just no benefit. Gets hardcountered by 90 spawnpoint truck and thats it. You spawn, you fly a few seconds. You die without warning. Ok, you might dive down to tree top level, but what then? You can’t really use GBUs and target pods while scratching tree tops at Mach1.

The dumb bombs Tornados are even worse. Good luck doing some bomb runs vs. high tier ground units, proxy HE systems immeadetly snipe you out of the sky, or any SAM. Dropping 1000lb bombs on tanks might be a thing for low BRs. Its especially strange since at the same BR bracket Jagues etc. in fact have GBUs in WT. Its just not fair. One 10.3 Strike jet drops GBUs. 10.3 Tornado just gets 1000lb dumb bombs???

Gajin should have been a bit creative here.

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First of all they just moved a lot of the BRs up in range by adding 13.7 so it helps a lot with the Tornado. Second, the Tornado has not place being under 11.0. Having a supersonic platform with flares and AIM-9Ls should be no where near aircraft with no flares.

2 wrongs don’t make a right. Germany shouldn’t get weapons they never used. Same as other countries getting weapons they never used. Its like how they gave the F-16A in Italy AIM-9Ls and AIM-7Ms. It shouldn’t even be using AIM-7Ms cause Italy went through a upgrade program to use AIM-120s. It should also be using AIM-9L/I’s and not normal AIM-9Ls.
Just cause other countries get weapons they shouldn’t get doesn’t mean we can just throw everything out the window and give a P-26 AIM-9Ms. They should remove the weapons that are inaccurate off of other countries vehicles.

First of all the Tornado is one of the fastest platforms to have GBUs with a more advanced RWR. The engagement ceiling is way higher then a Jag, TRAM or AMX. Second you’re acting as if the Pantsir isn’t a issue to every aircraft. I can’t even fly my F-15 if one is on the map, its pretty much a no fly zone. You cant even use helicopters cause of the range of it. Don’t say the Tornado should get unbalanced weapons like Brimstone just cause SPAA is actually good now. This is how it should be, if there’s a SAM system or SPAA in the area it should be a no fly zone like it is IRL.

SPAA isnt good.
the Pantsir is good.

theres a difference

i propose similar BR’d vehicles [1] and then… we can call SPAA good.


still looks goofy as duck, but i am not sure the missles still would be equalish

well unless we get the 50km range one
(researching into it)

What an argument. You’re not fast enough to fly away from SAMs. For GRB the weapon system matters much more than the plane. Whats the difference whether you go with Mach 1.3 or bit slower. Just the weapon matters. Su25 as subsonic platform is op in GRB, thx to its super targeting pod and extreme long range missiles. Tornado as fast strike jets is a laughing stock, cause it just got bombs.

Its the fact they it can fly much higher then pretty much all the aircraft that are able to carry GBUs in 10.0 - 10.7 range. No SPAA or SAM would be able to kill it in that BR.