Panavia Tornado IDS [All Variants] [All Countries] | History - Weapons - Performance - Discussion

Couldn’t they just use the Spike mechanics with locking on ground targets?

Tell that the AHEAD rounds that could just get the proxy mechanic

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Wish they were actually useful bombers

They are, just need to know how to use them.

isn’t much I can do against a MiG-23 turning on me as soon as I come in view and spamming R-60s until he gets close enough that they cant be flared or he can gun me down.

It’s less a tornado issue and more of an ARB/AAB problem. In Air SIM tornado is awesome.

With that having been said. The 3 TT tornados should be 11.0 in air and hopefully that will happen next major. They are also missing a lot of CMs. Currently 56 should be 56 flares and 1200 chaff. Should also hopefully be fixed next major.

Then finally at some point the FM needs finishing underperforming by a fair amount (not enough to dogfight anything but enough to help evade a missile)

(As an honourable mention, they also probably should all have IRCCM missiles)

But ultimately with the exception of air SIM, the gamemodes are just designed to be bad for strike aircraft like the tornado, and it’s very hard to get to target normally and obviously it shouldn’t be dogfighting.

Annnnnnd the ground radar / air radar capability

Yeah… Though tenative how useful theyd be outside of Air Sim.

Well ground radar, might help finding targets of opportunity easier. If it pings u moving enemies even in low altittude

Yeah, potentially. Just hope CCRP target points can be created using the radar

I mean, CCIP got buffed quite well ,with always getting shown, so you might be able to use that one for dumb bombs. Combining it with ljdams would be realy great yeah, automaticaly lock target pod to radar targets, that being said low altidue the pods are a bit iffy

Yeah. I think for the most part. It would be niche in GRB. If the GMR is any good though, it might allow you to target a part of the map and loft bombs at it. So if you know the rough location of the enemy. Perhaps a cap point. you could create a CCRP target point and loft from relative safety. Could be fun.

But its the other buffs that i think will have the greatest impact. Ive kinda given up hope of EVER getting in something resembling ground radar

Cap point should be chooseable trough mission target bomb release like bases

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Yeah, it should.

Any idea when the Brimstone is coming for Tornado?
I see F16s flying around with AGM65 TERs (not sure if those ever left Eglin ,TBH) all acting CAS hardened and Tornado, which is CAS to the bone got no Brimstone, JDAM, ALARM, HARM, nothing. Shitty F16 does 3-4 kills in a single pass and Tornado needs 4 to do the same.

Brimstone is a bit modified Hellfire, which is in the game for a few years now, but can’t be put on Tornado for some reason…

They might add it since they are going to be adding different BRs for air battles and ground battles so it could be balanced. I wouldn’t get your hopes up though cause they tend to take ages to add any special weapons for NATO countries.

That is objectively wrong. Brimstone is far more powerful than a hellfire. Totally different weapon systems.

Also no Tornados in game were ever equipped with Brimstones. We will need the tornado Gr4 for that. Which I’m hoping may come this year

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There is also the question of which tornados would get it.

Tornado Gr4 obviously for Britain. Italy has their own set of loadout options for the A200C.

But Germany… It’s a planned capability for the ASSTA4 I think. Which hasn’t entered service. I’m guessing Germany would get the ASSTA3.1 which wouldn’t have them


Nah mate don’t argue about things you know nothing about

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Well, it’s the same size and shape of a Hellfire, so what I meant is the game mechanics is here.
For the game purposes it’s a supersonic Hellfire, so there’s no reason not to be on a Tornado.

Like Mi-28 entered Swedish service?
This nitpicking is stupid and the pinnacle is GER, apparently, receiving 3rd Phantom in the next patch.
Do we really need 3rd Phantom and several versions of Tornado, in the game?