Panavia Tornado IDS [All Variants] [All Countries] | History - Weapons - Performance - Discussion

Tornado Gr4 - Yes

Tornado A200C - Not listed on the suggestion, though they have other options. (though I think they do operate it on the Typhoon, so possible overlap?)

German Tornado? Maybe? Might have been tested or a ground crew training version equipped or something. But im not sure. I think German Typhoons operated Brimstones, so potentially an overlap from them

But for both Italy and Germany, it might be Brimstone 2s. Whilst Brimstone 1s would conly ome to Britain. But Im really not sure

Nup no brimstone at all for us, thats only a typhoon thing

Am I thinking of a picture of dummy Brimstones on a German Typhoon?

No idea, maybe the advertisment for assta 4.0 that was scratched.

What we csn get are glide bombs

Yep. Though I have a feeling the next German Tornado IDS is gunna be a BR stop lower than the British and Italian one

The next german one will only get ecm or maws pod, virtualy no ither difference ignoring aim 9li which they already should have and iris-t

Hmm that would probably help out Tornados in ground battles but that would probably mean that there would need to be better SAM systems to counter it.

Yep, which is why im doubting Brimstones anytime soon, even though Id love them for ASB

EIther that or they’ll be quite nerfed, even if that is limited to a max of 6 might be enough

I mean it might come soon due to just how many aircraft get ASMs in high tier battle so I don’t think it will take to long for Gajin to add them.

We do not have them on the Tornado, (they were showed multiple times with the Italian EFA but not on the Tornado) but we have GBU39

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Unfortunately information about the air-to-air search mode only really became available after the Tornado was added.

Even now there is very limited information available on it

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and people expect us to get accurate representations of ANYTHING going forward? lol

The thing is they should at least give it somewhat of radar instead of outright just removing it. And after adding it they can just patch it when they get more info about it.

Even if they omit the air to air part of the radar. I’m sure there is plenty of info for the GMR

An air to air radar is only of notable use in GRB and ASB, and only in ASB if it has IFF

But I don’t think Gajin should be the ones to say its useful or not cause I would love to have any kind of radar in sim.

Not disagreeing with that at all. If it c ould be added, it should be added, even if it was icnredibly niche, like ASMs are currently.

But the total lack of radar even ground radar, does suck

If its a choice of wait for both or ground radar first and then air radar later when there is suffecient information. Then I vote the former

That’s true but I’m just afraid that Gajin will just push it off like they do with many other things that need to be added or fixed.

Isnt that the Tornado’s motto in War Thunder?

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Another question I did have was shouldn’t the anti ship missiles the MFG gets should be able to lock on ground targets as well cause it isn’t much different?
I’m talking IRL cause they cant lock on anything other then ships in game.

disputed, we arent sure of it, only rough tests or only maybe done with kormorans 2. In the end gajin decided against that feature balance wise and because they cant model ground radars right in the first place