Pakistani T-80UD(6DT-2E) - Improved excellence

Isn’t it actually option 1?

Yes from the description by Gaijin, the tank they want to make is surely option 1

There are at least 2 (with the 6TD-II)
around 52 with the 6TD-I (as shown in the OP’s second post)

Then there are some which have received TVD device (probably of French origin) upgrades and new turrets (from ukraine).

Pak army also often trials vehicles in test batches of 5 tanks. Hence there may be more, but for the moment, we need to consider only the above


This T-80UD is too embarrassing at 10.7, it does not have a queue. Gaijin, if you consider this to be an early Pakistani T-80UD, I propose to cancel the thermal imaging equipment and go to 10.3. If Gaijin wanted to make an active Pakistani tank, then it was possible to increase the reverse speed and increase it to 11.0.

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The main confusion stems from the fact that while there was an order for 320 T-80s, 50 or so of them were ‘second hand’ or what i would assume to be the older hull + older turret combination.

To add onto that, it is not known which hulls the 6TD-II was installed in.

I’d prefer them to keep the thermals and then actually fix the T-80UD so it doesn’t turn out to be a straight up copy of the already existing T-80UD in the Soviet TT. This also opens the way for other Ukrainian origin vehicles like the T-84BM Oplot-T operated by Thailand for Japan.


All in all, fixing it is the best outcome. If it doesn’t work out, I’d like to get it properly tweaked and drop to 10.3.

This Pakistani T-80UD is too strange, if it is the earliest it should not have thermal imaging, it should be the same as the Soviet 80UD.

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From what I’m gathering it’s a copy and paste T-80UD with a thermal imager

In this topic said about Oplot-P, so it is really very different tanks.

Oplot-P is a (ukrainian made) pakistani variant of the oplot but was never put into service. it is different from the T-80UD


They didnt model the Object 478BE-1 variant
The one with the unique welded turret, that actually is the more numerous variants (285 no.) within Pakistan’s inventory and not the one (only initial 35 no.) that they’re offering in the winter event.
They just copy pasted the already existing T-80UD with thermal mod.

These two images have the proper angle and the rubber flaps removed to illustrate properly:


perfect find! These photos are exactly whats needed

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Gaijin may not give us the welded variant even if we do get sufficient evidence, they’ll probably cope about it being the initial version of the tank and refrain from updating the model to make their time easier - if the welded turret was to be modelled however I’d be surprised and obviously happy.

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If you are looking at from a weird angle to judge which turret it is (the rubber flaps are deceptive) … always check the smoke launcher array. Cast turret will have at the front like T-80U but the welded turrets will have them on either sides.


I have theory.
They mentioned the Obj id in the name i.e 478BE … which they dont have to coz its just a T-80UD within the Chinese tree area. Like any other tree an extra symbol would have sufficed.
As well as ‘slow reverse speed’ in the feature list.
I think they’re planning two variants. Hope-wishing here.
For events it’d be this standard T-80UD but with thermal.
But later they’ll introduce the “later” Object 478BE-1 variant, with better welded turret and 6DT-2E engine, as a premium.
What say?


From your source



again, the Oplot-P project and designation as compared to the Pakistani T-80UD (latest and greatest with welded turret) are still two different tanks

Oplot-P as far as i am aware (i may be wrong)


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At the very least they could also introduce a domestic APFSDS making it more distinct from the regular T-80UD as the only difference so far in-game will be the slightly better ERA coverage and thermals.

T-80UD Bug Reports For Munition

Community Bug Reporting System - [DEV] T80UD/obj478BE should have chinese 125mm ammunition
Community Bug Reporting System - [DEV] T80UD/obj478BE should add 125mm DU APFSDS “naiza”

It should also have access to Chinese munition due to compatibility between Chinese 125mm and the T-80UDs 125mm.

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