Pakistani T-80UD(6DT-2E) - Improved excellence

Theoretically, Pakistan should have more T-80UDs with replacement engines, not just those two.

And, my guess is that the future Pakistani subtree should look like this: Obj.478BE(10.3/10.7)->Obj.478BE-1(6TD-2)(11.0/11.3)->BM Oplot-P(12.0). Because the level of protection of the body of the T-80UD at 12.0 is far from enough, I added the BM Oplot-P.


well the 2 number is the minimum that we have, with time, more must have been upgraded

as for the subtree that i hope for,
(BRs may be outdated)



Can I suggest that you rename the suggestion to the T-80UD 478BE-1/6DT-II as we’re getting a T-80UD 478BE as an event vehicle? If this specific T-80UD variant was to ever be added for China it would likely follow the same naming scheme as the already existing T-80UD 478BE.


Nice plan, although a bit dated on br. But I want to ask, is there any difference between those Al Khalid and VT-4? There are so many.

already working on it 😅

  • Al Khalid (base model) is slightly better than Type-85IIA/AP,
  • Al Khalid I has ERA like MBT-2000 fully kitted out,
  • Al Khalid II has better composite and ERA (new turret armour that looks like VT-4)
  • VT-4P is slightly worse than VT-4A1 in game with no side ERA
  • Al Haider (VT-4PA1 ← not official designation but for clarification) is the license produced version which will receive the most upgrades and Hard-kill APS

EDIT: There is actually another variant of the Al Khalid I with even more ERA


Thanks for your efforts, dude.Also I have a question, does the VT4 (or Hydra) in Pakistan have a side ERA?

Not as far as ive seen

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The T-80UDs domestic kinetic penetrator has been acknowledged in a bug report possibly hinting to the addition of it in-game. As I predicted the T-80UD 478BE has been added into the files of the game at the BR of 10.7 with 3BM42, China has absolutely nothing there at that specific BR and giving it the Naiza APFSDS and moving it up to 11.0 would be a more logical change.

Bug Report

Community Bug Reporting System


though it’s not as good as 11.0 MBTs, and there are too many already, I’d rather remove it’s thermal and move it to 10.3

Remove the thermals on the 478BE and I including many others will not grind the event, or for the T-80UD for the very least. I’m not wasting my time on a 1:1 replica of the already existing T-80UD in the USSR TT minus the premium benefits (which makes it absolutely not worth your time).

Only the first 15 batches of T-80UDs delivered to Pakistan lacked actual thermals and this is because they were former USSR T-80UDs taken from Ukrainian reserves. The far majority of the 320 delivered to Pakistan had thermals and removing it would be a ahistorical feature.

We already have a T-80U-E1 present at 11.7, the T-80UD 478BE would function near identical to it minus the worse transmission but superior firepower thanks to the Naiza APFSDS.

The Naiza funny enough would also be the best kinetic penetrator China would have in its entire TT, this will more than make up for the bad transmission and especially at 11.0


yeah im in favour of it being 11.0 with thermals. Maybe reserve the naiza for the T-80UD 478BE-1 at 11.7?
at 11.0 3BM42 would perform just fine. but hey just for a good MBT at 11.0


I’d totally agree if it wasn’t for the fact that the ZTZ99-III at 11.0 has both superior armour, better overall awareness due to LWS and thermals for both the commander and gunner and the top tier shell China has to offer (that being the DTC10-125).

I’d personally just add the Naiza to both the 478BE and 478BE-1 but obviously they’ll both be placed at different BRs.

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Now that i look at the tech tree, we could try and aim for an 11.3-11.7 lineup.
Z-19 plus JH-7 complement to a T-80UD 478BE and BE-1 alongside the HQ-17, giving us a pretty decent 5 vehicle lineup and we can upteir the ZBD04A for scout and LT purposes, making 6 a solid for almost top teir. Just gotta wait for the decompression to hit though


and vt4a1. it should at 11.7 with it 577mm/7.1s/1200hp&terrible protection
or we should get a vt4 without aps at 11.3 such as

vt4 of pakistani


I really don’t understand why they couldn’t cover that damn headlight with ERA. Wouldn’t anyone from China to Pakistan want to do that?

And, guys, shouldn’t we build a suggested post for BM Oplot-P? I don’t know much about it, just a few pictures.

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I would work on it but data on it might as well be top secret

Idk why they dont do that either…

you can see the new vt4 do this and I think it not difficult