Pakistan & Bangladesh Tech Tree

@Armen_Lozone Can you find pictures or information of JF17 carrying C-701 missiles?

ill keep looking for the C-701 but i found a variant of the missile family C-705KD in the Dubai? air show



(the seekers are switchable as far as my sources state)

One of the first upgrades included the incorporation of infrared guidance so that there is a dual guidance system similar to that of the Taiwanese Hsiung Feng II missile. Imaging infrared seeker and a television seeker similar to that of the C-701 anti-ship missile became available later. The imaging infrared seeker is reportedly derived from the imaging infrared seeker technology developed for Chinese air-to-air missiles. These three seekers are interchangeable with the original radar seeker, and can be fitted at naval bases rather than the factory.

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If there is more detailed information, please make sure to send it out

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We need to mount the source of the image, otherwise Gaijin will not consider it a reliable source

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interesting rocket pod there… ive seen it in a few diagrams but never in a pictture


the targeting pod is the SNIPER TGP which can also act as an IRST for A-A combat

gbu-31 jdam (training)

which one is a rocket pod?

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Back in 2007 F-7BGs scored 4:5 K/D against USMC’s F-18s during simulated dogfight.

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Is this new news? So PFX isn’t dead anymore?

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Rare picture of an An32 dropping bombs. The bombs provide some CAS for the Paratroopers.


Like the Sabre II was succeeded by Super-7, project AZM has been suceeded by PFX

nvm I mixed up those two names

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Made by @Lightning_234

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